10 Question Christmas Dinner Quiz
It's the biggest meal of the year. Find out how you'll cope by taking this quiz!
Whether you're a meat eater, vegetarian or vegan, Christmas dinner is going to be one of the biggest, if not THE, biggest dinner you eat all year! But will you be able to handle all the food on the table or will you end up exploding? BURP. If you like this quiz, why not head to our Cryptic Christmas Movie Emoji Quiz?!

What will you have for breakfast?

There's a lot of chocolate in the house. What do you do?

Dinner is going to be served at 2pm. What about a snack until then?

Dinner time! What are you having for a starter?

How many pigs in blankets would you like?

What about roast potatoes?

Think you could fit some turkey and vegetables on your plate?

What's your opinion of cranberry sauce?

Think you've got room for some Christmas pudding?

What about some more sprouts?

You filled up too early with a big breakfast and chocolate. And maybe that sandwich was a mistake. But the main thing is that you tried!

An admirable effort, but you maybe filled yourself up a little bit too much before dinner. Better luck next year!

Great work. You approached the biggest dinner of the year with grit and determination and walked away a champ. Well done.

Wow. You paced yourself like an Olympic athlete and wisely stopped eating snacks in order to enjoy your massive Christmas dinner! We're surprised you had room for Christmas cake, actually. What a legend!