Ultimate Capybara Quiz
Think you're an expert? Find out here with the ULTIMATE capybara quiz!
Capybaras are some of our FAVOURITE animals, and they're super popular on social media! But how much do you actually know about them? There's some crazy facts about these creatures that would make you a serious expert! Earn your status as Capybara King here, then have a go at another animal quiz - test your knowledge of unusual animals, or find out your inner animal!

What kind of animal is a capybara?

What common pet is the capybara's closest relative?

On which continent are wild capybaras found?

Capybaras are "semi-aquatic" animals - what does this mean?

What's a totally gross thing capybaras eat?

What's the maximum speed capybaras can run?

What do other animals love to do with capybaras?

What part of the capybara grows continually?

What Disney movie features a cute capybara character?

What's the only South American country capybaras DON'T live in?

Uh-oh! Looks like you've still got a thing or two to learn! Read up on your capy facts before having another go!

All right, you know a thing or two about these giant rodents! Read up on your capy facts before having another go!

You're almost a fully fledged EXPERT! Read up on your capy facts before having another go!

Look out, it's the KING of all capybara knowledge! (Are you like, secretly a capybara with an internet connection???)