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Check Out This Huge Casagrandes Character Quiz!

Do you know your Carlos Jr from your Carlitos, Carlino or Carlota? You'll need to be pretty good at names to ace this epic cartoon quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Do you know every character in the Casagrandes? This hilarious Nickelodeon show has so many characters you'll need to be a real expert to get 10/10 on this ridiculous TV quiz! If you think you're ready for the challenge, then strap yourself in... it's Casagrandes quiz time!

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Who's this?


Who is the grandad?


Which of these things does Frida love the most?

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Ronnie is.... what?


Who's Ronnie's best friend?


Carlota is obsessed with... what?

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Who created the Breakfast Bot?


Stanley Chang is a.... what?

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Who is the youngest member of the Casagrandes family?

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Who's this?

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Uh oh! This is not your best work! Ronnie here is pretty unimpressed. You should have another go at this quiz... and fast! If you don't fancy it we have lots of other TV quizzes to try!

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Pretty good! You definitely do know your stuff when it comes to the Casagrandes! Nice work! You missed out on a few right answers, but never mind. Have another go and see if you can beat this score next time round? If not we have lots of other quizzes to try!

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Yahoo! Nice job! You clearly are a huge fan of the Casagrandes! You got almost a perfect 10/10 - but you juuust missed one or two. Do you know where you went wrong? Let's see if you can beat this (very good) score on a different TV quiz!

The Casagrandes | Nickelodeon

Woah! Amazing! You nailed this quiz - you got every single question completely correct! Well done! You really know loads about the Casagrandes! You can't improve on this score - buit you might be able to match it on a different one! We have loads more for you to try!