Christmas Geography Quiz 2024 for Kids!
Do you love Christmas AND geography? Then this is the quiz for you! Work your wits and take the test!
If you love your world-mapping as much as your present-wrapping, then prepare for Crimbo quizmania with this epic Christmas Geography Quiz! Want to be tested on your Lapland trivia? Sure. We've got your back. What about traditions from the North Pole to the South Pole? Well, today is your lucky day! We've got questions which cover pretty much everywhere!
For more festive funnies be sure to take a peek at our Christmas History Quiz, or for something a smidge simpler try your luck with the tree-mendously Easy Christmas Quiz! If you're in a strange mood, then check out our 15 Unusual Christmas Quiz Questions!

Which country traditionally eats KFC at Christmas?

Which Scandinavia country gives London a Christmas tree every year?

Which European country calls this guy Pai Natal?

Where was Jesus born?

Which country started the trend for Christmas markets?

Where is Santa’s Lapland home?

Where was the person known as Saint Nicholas originally born?

Where would you find Christmas Island?

In which country would you NOT find Reindeer?

Where does Christmas arrive first?

Which is colder – The North or South Pole?

Which is the snowiest country in the world?

In Canada, Santa has been given his own postcode - 'HOH OHO'. True or false?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! Even Santa himself would agree that's a walnut-crackingly good result. Well done!

Pretty Good! Not quite the star at the top of the tree, but a cracker-tuggingly fab festive result nonetheless! Well done!

Not so hot! While not a total turkey, it seems you may need to concentrate a little harder if you want to ace this quiz! Why not try again and improve your score?

Oh dear! More of a jive turkey than a Christmas cracker! Never mind... Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?