13 Question Christmas Science Quiz!
How well do you know the worlds of Christmas and science? Take the quiz and find out!
It's the most scientific time of the year! As Christmas Day is fast approaching, our attention turns to three things: presents, food and science!
That's right! Christmas is really scientific, so we've rounded up some tricky questions to see how much you know about this particularly festive month.
Once you've tackled this quiz, why not try our Christmas TV quiz or these unusual Christmas quiz questions?

What is the chemical symbol for gold?

What type of plant is mistletoe?

What is Rangifer tarandus?

One newspaper calculated it would take how many reindeers to pull Santa's sleigh and 925,000 tons of toys?

What is the chemical symbol for gold?

A tea can be made using boiling pine tree needles in water. What vitamins does it mostly contain?

What do scientists prefer to call snowflakes?

Why do you need hot water to make hot chocolate?

What makes Christmas crackers go bang?

How fast would Santa have to go to make sure everyone received their presents in one night?

What is a star, exactly?

What energy is made into heat when you burn a Christmas candle?

You can tell if a turkey is a male or female by the shape of its poo. True or false?

At what temperature does water turn into snow?

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try! Why not have another go? You might get an even bigger score!

Great! You know a fair bit about science and Christmas. Nice!

Wow! You're either a scientist or Santa Claus!