I say, this City Skyline Quiz is absolutely capital!
What ho! We hope you’ll find this city skyline quiz spiffing!
You don’t need to be the Victorian, global circumnavigator Phileas Fogg to find this City Skyline quiz absolutely capital. As long as you’ve packed your brains and some geography skills you might make it all the way around the world. See how many cities you can identify from their skyline to see if you can get a splendid score and successfully travel all around the globe!

Your flight leaves from this city! But what city is it?

A ferry takes you across the channel and then a short drive to here to stop off for a baguette. Where is it?

Over the Alps and into Italy where you stay here. Where are you now?

A hot air balloon takes you across the Mediterranean Sea to Africa. What city have you landed in?

You hitch a ride on a cargo boat. It sails through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea before docking in the Gulf of Oman. Where are you?

You hop on a private jet to Malaysia. Where are you?

Backpack all the way down to Australia. Which city is this?

Long haul flight across the Pacific Ocean to Canada. Where have you landed?

A greyhound Bus across Canada and America to catch a transatlantic cruise-liner. What city is it leaving from?

Your cruise is diverted due to a volcanic eruption and you dock here overnight before heading back to London. Which city is this?

Awful. I’m afraid you rather blown it, old chap. You didn’t manage to even leave your bedroom. Have another go!

Not too bad! You’re obviously a seasoned traveller. You made it as far as France. Have another go to see if you can travel all the way around the world without getting lost!

Well done! You made it as far as Asia before getting lost somewhere in the Gobi Desert. Have another go to see if you can travel around the world without getting lost!

You’re HOME! Splendid. You made it all the way around the world and safely home again! You are a modern day Phileas Fogg. Have you thought about having a travel TikTok? Altogether now! 🎶 "He said one day, you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember..."🎶