The Ultimate Columbus Crew Quiz!
How much do you know about this Ohio based MLS squad? Take the quiz and find out!
Columbus Crew are one of the original MLS teams and have been around almost 30 years, which is ages in terms of North American soccer history. How much do you know about this Ohio squad? This quiz will surely test any fan of Major League Soccer. Let's go!

In which year were the team founded?

In which state are the team based?

In which MLS conference do the team compete?

They play at the Lower.com Field, but on what street can it be found?

What's the team's nickname?
6/10 Who are their fierce local rivals?

Where did the team place overall in the 2023 season?

In which year did they first win the MLS Cup?

The team won the Campeones Cup for the first time in...

In 2004, 2008 and 2009, they won which trophy?

Oh no! Were you expecting a quiz about the Italian explorer and navigator, Christopher Columbus and his group of friends? You can have another go and remember this quiz is about the MLS team and there's not a boat-related question in sight!

Good try! You know some stuff about Columbus Crew but this kind of score leaves your trivia team in a mid-table position. Why not have another go?

Great work! You clearly dominated the field of play for most of the 90 minutes but narrowly missed out on a perfect score. You could try again and you might just clinch the trivia title!

Wow! You know so much about this Ohio team, don't you? You must live there or simply know everything there is to know about the MLS!