Test Your Cool Runnings Trivia in this Ice and Easy Quiz!
Are you an expert when it comes to Disney's bobsledding comedies? Test your knowledge in this Cool Runnings quiz!
What's the first thing you think of when we say ice, movie and Disney? Well, apart from Frozen and Frozen II. That's right, it's the 1993 comedy sports film Cool Runnings!
How much do you know about bobsledding? But more importantly, how much do you know about the actual movie? Test your trivia now and don't slip up!

Which character convinces the coach Irving to start a bobsled team?
2/10 What country does the bobsled team represent in the movie?

What does the bobsled team use as their first sled?
4/10 What sport did Derice Bannock previously compete in before switching to bobsledding?

What is the name of the coach who helps the Jamaican team train for the Olympics?

What does the team name their sled for the Olympic competition?

What event causes the bobsled team to crash during their first race?

Yul carries a photo of Buckingham Palace. Why?

What does Sanka Coffie ask his team mates to kiss before every race for luck?

Who is a former pushcart derby champion?

Oh no! You might have clicked on this quiz by mistake or were too busy imagining what it would be like to go really fast in a bobsled. Don't worry, we do it too!

Ice try! See what what we did there? You did pretty well even though some of the questions were a little tricky. Why not have a well-deserved break and come back later to have another go? We reckon you have what it takes to do even better!

Great stuff! You clearly know a fair bit about Cool Runnings and the story behind the courageous Jamaican bobsled team of 1988. Why not have another go and you might be able to get a perfect score! Irving believes in you!

Cool! You've clearly watched Cool Runnings many times and perhaps have an ambition to be an Olympic-standard bobsledder yourself! Nice – or should we say ice – work!