Coronavirus Quiz: Use Your Head and Stop the Spread
Are you worried about the virus the whole world seems to be talking about? Take the quiz, find out the facts and learn why you shouldn't worry!

So you've probably heard about this thing called Coronavirus, or COVID 19. There's lots of scary stuff about it on the news, and some grown-ups are really freaking out. We do all need to be careful, but panicking and flapping our arms about probably isn't going to help.
There's so much fake news around that sometimes it's hard to know what's real and what isn't. Can you ace this quiz and find the facts?

What caused Coronavirus?

What happens if you catch it?

Which of these is the best way to stop the spread of Coronavirus?

Eating garlic cures Coronavirus. True or false?

When you're washing your hands (very important!) - how long should you do it for?

What should you try to avoid touching to stop things spreading?

You should wash your hands for as long as it takes you to sing a song in your head. What should you sing?

What's the best way to dispose of a snotty tissue?

Which of these is a better way to say hi to someone if you're worried about Coronavirus?

Finally...children are much less likely to get ill than older people. So what should YOU do about it?

Uh oh... Never mind. The main thing to remember is to wash your hands, be a bit more careful and DON'T WORRY! It'll all blow over soon enough. Have another go at this quiz and see if you can get a higher score?

Still panicking? Well, don't! Most important things to remember are to wash your hands, be a bit more careful and don't stress about it. It'll all be over soon enough. Have another go at this quiz and see if you can get a higher score?

Good job! You've been paying attention! The main thing to remember is to wash your hands, be a bit more careful and DON'T WORRY! It'll all blow over soon enough.

Great work! You're well prepared! You probably already know this, but just keep washing your hands, be a bit more careful and DON'T PANIC! That never helps. Easy.