Could You Lead The Avengers?
Do you have what it takes to lead the Avengers? Take our ultimate quiz and find out if were born to be in charge, or if you're more likely to become a supervillain! Good luck!
Do you have what it takes? Take the quiz and find out!

How would you describe your leadership skills?

How well do you do in a crisis?

Would you describe yourself as having an authoritive presence?

Do you have a tragic backstory?

Do you have an arch nemesis?

Captain Marvel cat and Captin American shield on space background with splat
What would your catchphrase be as leader of the avengers?

Could you disarm a powerful alien explosive devise in under three minutes?

Choose another avenger

Have you ever been described as 'arrogant?'

Pick a superpower

Choose a DC villain

What would you bring to being leader of the avengers?

You've got everything it takes to lead the avengers! Charisma, daring, courage and initiative, and a few billion in the bank doesn't hurt! It's a big responsibility, so don't let all that power go to your head and become a supervillain....

Uh oh, afraid you just don't have what it takes. Maybe you're disorganised and a bit unreliable, or maybe you've got the heart of a supervillain and would only be corrupted by the power? Either way, it's a no!

Apply again!
You didn't make it this time, but have another go and maybe you'll have picked up some new skills! You've got loads of potential, so try again!