Creature Cases Quiz For Animal Experts!
Are you the ultimate fan of Creature Cases? Find out with this trivia quiz! Test your knowledge on Sam, Kit and the animal kingdom here!
It's time to find out how much you know about Sam and Kit in this Creature Cases quiz! Are you the ultimate fan of their mystery solving exploits in the animal kingdom? And we've got loads more TV show quizzes right here! What about this quiz all about Avatar the Last Airbender? Or perhaps you fancy this quiz on Thunderbirds Are Go! We've even got a quiz all about Ada Twist and friends!

Where can you watch the show?

What are the two main characters called?

What kind of animals are they?

What's the name of the agency Kit and Sam work for?

What does it stand for?

What sort of animal is Director Scratch?

What's the name of the squad that often helps Sam and Kit out?

When did it first air?

Who is the animal expert?

What is R.O.N.?

Bad luck! You didn't manage to get any questions right about Sam and Kit, but that's ok, you can always try again!

You might have watched Creature Cases, but you're not its ultimate fan! See if you can get a better score next time by trying the quiz again!

Great work! You're definitely a Creature Cases fan, it's clear to see! But can you get 100% next time? We bet you can!

Incredible! You're the number one Creature Cases fan, because you got full marks! Why not tell your friends just how much you know about this great show!