Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Quiz
Get ready to prove how well you know the fifth installment of Diary of A Wimpy Kid!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth is the fifth book in the series, and it's another hilarious instalment of Greg's misadventures in school, family and life. He's still dealing with the falling out with Rowley in Dog Days, and to make matters worse his mum has decided to go back to college, leaving Greg, Rodrick and Dad to do all the housework - and it only gets worse from there! See how well you remember the book with this awesome trivia quiz - and don't forget to try our other quizzes for Wimpy Kid fans - test yourself on The Deep End, The Third Wheel, and Cabin Fever!

What year did the book come out?

What's up with Greg and Rowley at the beginning of the book?

What responsibility does Greg's father give him?

What does Greg accidentally do when he's sleep-deprived?

What's the name of the maid Greg's mum hires?

What happens when Greg accidentally bites the dentist's finger?

Why are the rest of the kids taken home from the school lock-in?

Why does Rowley think he's "becoming a man"?

Uncle Gary's wedding marks how many times he has been married?

Why did Jordan really want Greg and Rowley at his party?

Oops! Not so good! Maybe re-read the book and see if you can bring your score up?

Not bad at all! You're clearly a bit of a fan! Maybe re-read the book and see if you can bring your score up?

Great job! You're obviously a fan! Why not have one more go and see if you can bump your score up to perfect!

WOW! We've got a Wimpy Kid superfan here! Great job!