Dream SMP: The Ultimate ItsAlyssa Quiz
Do you love Dream SMP and its superstar team? Then let’s test your knowledge about Dream SMP citizen Alyssa a.k.a ItsAlyssa!

What is Dream SMP member Alyssa’s official Instagram and Twitter handle?

Where does Alyssa live?

Alyssa is a coder for Dream SMP BadBoyHalo’s server - what is that server called?

What did Alyssa do on the 10th September 2020 that got the Dream SMP world talking?

What are Alyssa’s two cats called?

Which other Dream SMP member is Alyssa rumoured to be dating?

What does Alyssa usually wear in the world of Dream SMP?

Where did Alyssa build her house in Dream SMP?

What feature does Alyssa famously have in her Dream SMP house?

Dream fought alongside Alyssa in what Dream SMP event?

Which Dream SMP member is said to have a ‘strange vendetta’ against Alysssa?

Why did Alyssa help Ponk?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score... you really know your ItsAlyssa trivia. Current SMP level: EXPERT. rnAn absolutely outstanding result, well done!

Pretty Good! While not an absolutely PERFECT score, you certainly know your Dream SMP trivia. A very respectable result. Great job!

Not so hot! You got a few correct however and that’s not to be sneezed at... Why not watch a few Dream SMP adventures and try again?

Oh dear! It looks like you you need to swot up on your Dream SMP! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?