60 Easter Jokes Which Are Choc Full Of Fun!
Easter isn't just about chocolate eggs - it's also about egg-cellent Easter jokes!
Easter is a the oldest Christian festival which observes the resurrection of Jesus following his crucifixion and takes place in the spring, and is steeped in symbolising new beginnings.
Then there’s the Easter Bunny, a generous rodent who brings joy by delivering chocolate eggs and treats to children, who embark on an epic egg hunt on Easter Sunday.
The tradition of the Easter Bunny can be traced back to German folklore, where it was believed that a hare would lay eggs in hidden nests for children to find. Over time, this myth evolved, and the Easter Bunny became associated with Easter egg hunts and the gifting of chocolate eggs and we are hare for it!
Whether it's through egg hunts, eating chocolate eggs, or spending time with loved ones, Easter is a fun occasion in the Christian calendar.
To mark the special occasion, we’ve laid out the best Easter jokes for you here, so before your sink your teeth into your chocolate eggs, stop by here for some huge Easter laughs.
We've also got loads of the funniest egg jokes and chicken jokes, plus the Beano Joke Generator will cater for all of your comedy needs.
There’s literally something for everyone!
Hoppy Easter!

1. What kind of stories does the Easter Bunny like?
Ones that have a hoppy ending!
2. What's the best way to hydrate at Easter?
By drinking spring water!
3. Why doesn’t the Easter Bunny celebrate Halloween?
It’s hare-raising!
4. Who tells the funniest egg jokes?
5. What do you call a mischievous egg?
A practical yolker!
6. Why did the Easter egg hide?
It was a little chicken!
7. What's the fastest way to send the Easter Bunny a greeting card?
Via hare mail.
8. Where do tough chickens come from?
Hard-boiled eggs!
9. What type of coffee does the Easter Bunny drink?
10. What comes at the end of Easter?
The letter “r.”

11. Why was the Easter Bunny hired for the job?
They had lots of eggs-perience!
12. Why can't you tell duck egg jokes on Easter?
Because they'll quack up!
13. Why was the Easter chick sent off during a game of football?
They committed a fowl!
14. What kind of shoes did the frog wear at Easter?
Open toad sandals!
15. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
Lots of EGG-xercise!
16. Why was the Easter Bunny upset?
She was having a bad HARE day!
17. Why are Easter egg jokes so funny?
Because they crack you up!
18. What does The White Rabbit eat at Easter?
19. What is Easter bunny’s favourite kind of music?
20. What happens if you tickle an Easter egg?
It cracks up!

21. What game does the Easter Bunny like to play in the playground?
22. What music does the Easter Bunny listen to?
Hip hop!
23. Why was the chocolate bunny so sad?
He felt hollow inside!
24. What kind of jewellery does the Easter Bunny wear?
14 carrot gold!
25. Why are bunnies the luckiest of all animals?
They have four rabbit feet!
26. What day does an Easter egg dread the most?
27. What did the Easter bunny say to the carrot?
It’s been nice gnawing you!
28. What do you call the Easter Bunny the day after Easter?
29. How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur from getting messy?
They use lots of hare spray!
30. What do you call a rabbit who learns Beano jokes?
A funny bunny!

31. Why is the Easter bunny so smart?
He's an egghead!
32. What’s invisible and smells of carrots?
Rabbit farts!
33. What do you call alien eggs?
34. How do chickens leave the building?
They use the eggs-it!
35. How many Easter eggs can you fit in an empty basket?
Only one. After that, it's not empty anymore!
36. How do clowns like their eggs cooked?
Funny side up!
37. What do you call an adventurous egg?
An eggs-plorer!
38. Why does the Easter Bunny have such a good skin?
They eggs-foliate!
39. Where do eggs go when they visit the USA?
New Yolk!
40. Why shouldn’t you tease egg whites?
They can't take a yolk!

41. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Bugs Bunny!
42. What is the funniest candy to find in your Easter basket?
A LOL-ipop!
43. What does the Easter Bunny do when he gets out of the shower?
They use a hare dryer!
44. Did you hear about the house infested with Easter eggs?
It needed an eggs-terminator!
45. Why are people always tired in April?
Because they’ve just finished a March!
46. How do Easter bunnies keep their fur neat and tidy?
They use a hare brush!
47. I've got a great Easter joke…
Someone lent it to me!
48. Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
To prove they weren’t chicken!
49. What did one Easter egg say to the other?
Heard any good yolks lately?
50. What did the Easter egg ask for at the hair salon?
A new dye job!

51. How do you make Easter easier?
Replace the "t" with an “i.”
52. Why did the jelly bean go to school?
Because he really wanted to be a Smartie!
53. Why do Easter eggs go to school?
To get egg-ducated!
54. How can you tell if an Easter bunny is old?
Just look for the grey hares!
55. What do rabbits say when they come home from work?
“Anybunny home?”
56. What do you call a rabbit with the sniffles?
A runny bunny!
57. How does the Easter bunny throw a tantrum?
They get hopping mad!
58. Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
Because the chicken had his eggs!
59. What kind of bunny can't hop?
A chocolate bunny!
60. Which side of the Easter Bunny has the most fur?
The outside!

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