Basic Science Quiz Questions
Do you know the difference between a proton and an electron? I don't, so this science quiz is loads easier than you're expecting.

True or false: Issac Newton discovered radium?

How long does it take the earth to do one full rotation of the sun?

Why do our pupils constrict in bright light?

What is cooling lava called?

What does GMT stand for?

What's faster, sound or light?

Zoology Question: Which one is a mammal?

Botany: What is the biggest plant in this list

Anatomy: Which one of these isn't an organ in the human body?

Chemistry:Â Which of these is a gas at room temperature?

Physics: What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of lead?

Ecology: Which one of these is a major contributor to global warming?

Astronomy: What's next in the sequence. Mercury, Venus, Earth...

Geology: What the heck is Geology?

Cellular Biochemistry: What is the Phospholipid Bilayer?

You are the Professor of FAIL at the University of FAIL, Failhampton

You're a scientist in the making. Maybe you're not quite Einstein but it's all relative, anyway. Have a PhD on us

You're Albert Einstein or Marie Curie level. If this was real life I'd be handing over the Nobel prize and a massive cheque for your next research project. Lucky for me it's just a Beano quiz, eh?