We Can Guess Your Favourite Friends Character Based On Your Emoji Choices!
What do your top emojis say about you - are you a Phoebe, or a total Chandler? You're about to find out!
Everyone has a favourite Friend, but what you may not know is that your emoji choices can tell us exactly who YOUR fave is! Try this hilarious quiz and see if we manage to guess correctly - or maybe you'll find out who your fave was all along! And for more Friends, check out some of our other quizzes! Find out who your best friend would be, see how well you know the locations in Friends, or see how you do on this ultimate quotes quiz!
1/10 Let's start off simple - which face is your fave?
2/10 Pick a food emoji!
3/10 How about a bird emoji?
4/10 Pick a zodiac sign!
5/10 Pick an item of clothing!
6/10 Pick a cat face!
7/10 What's your favourite sports ball?
8/10 Pick a cool way to travel!
9/10 What's your favourite sweet treat?
10/10 Pick a weather emoji!

Phoebe is your fave! You're a bit of a space cadet and definitely free-spirited, and we bet you just love cats (smelly or otherwise)! Your friends love you because you're hilarious!

Looks like Joey is your favourite character! We don't blame you - he might just be the funniest! You're probably also a big fan of food (NO SHARING), and you're super loyal too!

You're a Chandler fan! Sure, he's not as in-your-face funny as Joey, but his sarcasm and wit is lowkey one of the best parts of the show! We bet you're also a bit of a rock for your friends!

Rachel is your fave by far! You probably also love fashion, and it's hilarious seeing Rachel get into so many style scrapes!