Do You Dare Take This Emoji Horror Movie Quiz?
Can you correctly identify these 10 spooky movies from our cryptic emoji clues? Answer these questions to find out!
Brrrrrr... this quiz is spoOoOoOoOoky! Whether you love or hate horror movies, there's no denying they're a big deal. So take this quiz and prove you can translate these emoji hints into the titles of these 10 horrifying kids classics! Go on, give it a try... unless you're scared?

What movie could this be?

How about this one?

Brrr... so spooky!

What could this horrifying kids movie be?

It's an oldie... but a goodie!

What could this one be?

Interesting! What could it be?

What spooky movie are we hinting at here?

This one's easy... or is it?

Last one! What could it be?

Eeeeek! Oh no! This quiz was just too dang scary! You'd better get out from behind that cushion and try again! Booooo! And remember - we have plenty of other quizzes if you'd rather try one of those!

Not terrible! Not great either... but not terrible! You did pretty good. Do you know which ones you got wrong? Have another go and see if you can improve on this score! Or just ry one of our other epic emoji quizzes!

Very good! Great work - you really know your emojis! That's some good lateral thinking there - well done. But can you beat this score on another of our epic emoji quizzes? There's only one way to find out!

Fantastic score! Amazing! You're a natural born emoji identifier! And if there's one thing you know more than emojis - it's horror movies! Nice. Now, can you get another full house on a different quiz?