Test Your Fairy Tail Know-How With This Exceed-ingly Good TV Quiz
Think you know everything there is to know about the mystical anime Fairy Tail? Well Natsu fast - you'll need to be a Earth Land expert to get 100% on this quiz!
Do you know your mages from your guilds? Your Igneel from your Horologium? Whether it's strange locations, powerful spells or magical creatures there's a lot to learn about this epic anime series - but have you been paying attention? You'll need all your Fairy Tail skills to Exceed on this tricky trivia quiz challenge!
Ready? Let's get quizzing!

Fairy Tail is a... what?

Which of these is NOT a Kingdom of Earth Land?

What team is Natsu Dragneel in?

What happens if a mage's mind is too weak to use magic?

Where does Magic come from?

Where is Edolas?

What colour is Grandeeny the dragon? Click to reveal!

Fairy Tail is... what?

The main Fairy Tail theme has a xylophone solo in it. True or false?

What is Happy?

Bah! Lucy is not best pleased with this score! Have you watched Fairy Tail before? No? Well... this is the perfect excuse! Now, try another anime quiz and see if you get a better score!

Pretty decent! This is a good score, and you've clearly seen a few episodes of Fairy Tail in your time! You did get a fair few wrong though, and Lucy looks a bit annoyed. Have another go and see if you can do a bit better?

Great! You really know your stuff! How many times have you watched Fairy Tail through, then? Natsu is pretty pleased with this score but you did JUST miss out on full marks. Can you get 100% on a different anime quiz?

Woah! You're unstoppable! This is a perfect score! Great job! Nothing at all to be improved on here - but can you get another full house on a different anime quiz?