Famous Book Titles Without Covers Quiz
Can you guess the book title just from the front cover? It's not all that easy - why not have a go!?
Here are ten famous books - but can you guess the titles just by looking at the front covers? We've covered up the titles so it's up to you to follow the clues and work out the rest! Let's get stuck in and see how well you can do. These confused looking owls should help!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Guess this book title!

Not a bad effort! But there's room for improvement! Why not have another go and see if you can do better? Or of course you could always pop down to the library and check out some new books! You'll never know what you might find!

Nice! You've definitely read a book or two in your time! But you could always do better! Why not have a look on your bookshelf for 30 seconds and see if you can name all the books without looking?! Well done!

Woah! You're a real book lover! You can probably tell a book just by smelling it! What an excellent skill! Well done, now why not check out some other quizzes and see which book you should try reading now?

WOW! Simply WOW! You've scored 100%, that's incredible, are you secretly a book publisher? You should be really pleased with your result! Great work, you're a real book worm!