52 of the Funniest Fish Jokes on the Net!
We're clown-fishing around with these funny fish jokes...
Laughter comes in waves with these funny fish jokes. If you like your jokes a little drier, we've got jokes from every corner of the animal kingdom... or pluck out a random joke from the Beano Joke Generator.
Why did Batman stop going fishing with Robin?
Robin kept eating all the worms!

Why did the fisherman buy a bunch of flowers?
He was going to meet his gillfriend!

What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh!

Why did the Great White get into trouble?
It was being shark-astic!

What grade did the fish get in their exam?
A sea!

Why did the fish go to the optician?
It was having trouble sea-ing!

Which fish looks like an 80s hairstyle?
A mullet!

What do you get if you cross a fish with an elephant?
Swimming trunks!

What fish can go really fast?
A motor-pike!

What do oyster wear so they can hide from a fish?

Have you seen the new fish burger from McDonald's?
It's called the McKerel!

Where do fish sleep?
In a riverbed!

A fish swims into a wall.

Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other...
Do you know how to drive this thing?

What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Fishually impaired!

What kind of fish do Penguins catch at night?

What competition do fish enter?
The Great British Hake Off!

How does a squid go into battle?
Well armed!

What did the shark say after eating a clown fish?
This tastes a little funny!

What did the shark say when he was accused of hitting his brother?
Not gill-ty!

What's a sharks favourite movie?
Shaw-shark Redemption!

What is a Great White shark's favourite kind of sandwich?
Peanut butter and jellyfish!

What did the Mum shark say to the kid shark?
Watch that sharkasm, young man!

What do sharks do when they have a big choice to make?
Chews wisely!

What did the shark say to the other shark?
There's some-fin special about you!

How does a shark greet a fish?
Pleased to eat you!

Where do sharks go on vacation?

What do sharks order at McDonalds?
A quarter flounder with cheese!

What happened when the shark got famous?
He became a starfish!

Why do sharks live in salt water?
Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

I had a nightmare about being attacked by a shark.
When I woke up I realized it was just a bream!

How do you make a goldfish age?
Take out the G and Fish!

Why don’t shellfish share?
Because they’re shellfish!

Which musical instrument is the best at catching fish?
A clarinet!

Where do fish keep their money?
In a river bank!

Why don't fish like computers?
They're scared of the net!

What’s the most famous fish?
A star-fish!

Why don’t oysters like to share?
Because they’re shellfish!

What do you call fish with no eyes?
A fsh!

What kind of fish performs operations?
A sturgeon!

What do fish use to help them hear?
A herring aid!

Why do fish live in salt water?
Pepper makes them sneeze!

Which part of a fish weighs the most?
The scales!

Where do fish sleep?
On the sea bed!

What’s the most musical part of a fish?
The scales!

What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?
You can't tuna fish!

Which musical instruments can catch fish?

Where do fish keep their money?

What is the best way to get in touch with a fish?
Drop it a line!

What do sea monsters eat?
Fish and ships!

Doctor, doctor I've swallowed a fish bone. Are you choking?
No, I really did!

What do you call a shark with a tie?