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Get The Boris Look!

Britain’s Prime Minister is kids' Halloween costume of choice and there’s 3 bloodcurdling Boris outfits to try.

Get The Boris Look!

Britain’s Prime Minister is kids' Halloween costume of choice and there’s 3 bloodcurdling Boris outfits to try.

Beano Video Team
Last Updated:  July 1st 2021

There’s something spooky happening this Halloween.

A creepy costume that’ll fill you with terror come trick or treat time.

A bogeyman so beastly, you’ll be running for your mummy (unless your mummy happens to be a 3,000 year old undead Ancient Egyptian King, in which case – run the other way!).

In fact, the Halloween horror we’re talking about is… Boris!

Britain’s Prime Minister is kids' Halloween costume of choice and there’s 3 bloodcurdling Boris outfits to try...

Biking Boris

With this costume, you’ll never be two-tyred for trick or treat - although don’t be surprised if you only get tricks dressed like this! And hey, all you’ll need is a helmet and an old suit – so it’s a perfect opportunity to raid Dad’s wardrobe!

Bullingdon Boris

This is the look for anyone who wants to look classy and creepy. Bullingdon Boris comes complete with evening wear and a pewter candlestick, which you can probably find if you rummage around in great-granny’s dinner set.

Zipwire Boris

Zombies aren’t the only scary creatures to start with a Z. This year, Zipwire Boris is putting the Agghh! into agghh-lphabet with this demonic dress-up. Just remember to include a pair of union flags and you’ll be set for the spooky season.