Can You Guess The Word With Emojis Quiz?
Emojis are great for saying a lot in a short time, but can you guess these words?!
Sometimes we swap words for emojis, but what happens when you don’t know the original word? Can you work out the word using just the images and pictures? It might not be as easy as you think so let’s give it a go and test your powers of problem solving! Very few people get full marks but maybe you’re one of those special code breakers! Let’s go, it’s time to challenge yourself!

Guess the word!

Guess the word!

Guess the word!

Guess the word!

Guess the word!

Guess the word or phrase!

Guess the word or phrase!

Guess the word or phrase!

Guess the word or phrase!

Guess the word or phrase!

Uh oh! Don’t worry, although this isn’t the best result, it's probably because you don’t use emojis that often, and that’s ok! In fact, it might be a good thing, after all, you can’t write a story just using emojis! Or can you? Who knows, but why not try again and see if you can do even better?!

Nice! Great effort, you’ve scored pretty highly on this quiz! You certainly know a thing or two about emojis and how we can use them to communicate with each other! Great work! Maybe you should start a career solving mysteries because you’re clearly very talented! But why not try the quiz again and see if you can get 100%?!

Amazing, what a great score, you nearly got 100%! You were definitely in the top group at emoji school, that’s for sure! You’re so close it would almost be a shame not to try and get full marks - so take a deep breath and try again, let’s see if you can get every single one of these tricky puzzles right! Okay!

Wow! Incredible, move over Albert Einstein, there’s a new genius in town except this time they’ve worked out the mysteries of science using just emojis! Okay, well maybe not science, but it’s still excellent work! It’s almost as if your second language is emojis! Great work, why not have a look at some of our other quizzes and see if you can beat them too! Let’s keep up this streak!