Can You Complete this Really Hard Star Wars Quiz?
How much do you know about the Star Wars saga? Test your trivia now!
Are you a huge fan of the entire Star Wars saga? Do you go to sleep dreaming of which lightsaber you'd choose and wake up thinking of all the different weird and wonderful Star Wars characters? You do? Then this is the quiz for your you! Take this really hard Star Wars quiz and see if you can get a perfect score!
May the score be with you!

Star Wars: A New Hope | Gary Kurtz | George Lucas | Lucasfilm Ltd | Disney
Which character speaks first in Star Wars: A New Hope?

What do they say?

In which film does Han Solo say 'Never tell me the odds!'?

What colour is Obi Wan Kenobi's lightsaber?

Who might wear a bright red cape?

What is Greedo's full name?

On Darth Vader's chest plate, there is a phrase which reads 'His deeds will not be forgiven, until he merits.' In what language is it written?

In The Rise of Skywalker, how long had Kylo Ren acted as Supreme Leader of the First Order?

What is Finn's stormtrooper number?

What's the name of this character on the right?

Oh no! The Force was not with you this time!

Good try! Why not have another go?

Great work! You're clearly a Star Wars fan!

Wow! Great quiz, kid, that was one in a million!