Harry Potter Book Vs Movie Quiz: Can You Beat It?
Do you know your books from your films when it comes to the Potterverse? Test yourself with our ultimate Harry Potter books vs films quiz!
Think you know Harry Potter? How much do you really know about the differences between the films and the books? Find out with this quiz! Answer some questions on the books and films and see which one you know better! And we've got loads more Harry Potter quizzes right here! How about this quiz to tell you which Hallow you would choose? Or maybe you fancy tackling this Cursed Child trivia quiz? We've even got this expert level quiz!

Which of these characters is in the books but not the films?

Which Hogwarts ghost doesn't show up in the films?

Which Weasley brother do we never meet in the films?

Does Winky the house elf appear in the books or the films?

Which of these events is omitted from the film Order of the Phoenix?

True or false: there is a scene in St Mungo's Hospital in film 5?

In the Half Blood Prince book, who finds Harry on the train?

Who finds Harry on the train in the 5th film?

In the Deathly Hallows book wedding scene, Harry is disguised as Barney Weasley. But who is he in the film?

Who is described as 'very tall' in the books, but is average height in the films?

Noooo! Look, you've upset Mr. Dursley with your lack of Harry Potter knowledge! Have another go and see how you do!

Not bad, but we've got a feeling you know more about Harry Potter than this! Try again!

Great job! You clearly know your books from your films! But can you get 100% next time? We think so!

A truly magical result! You got 100% because you know EVERYTHING about Harry Potter! Congrats!