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Harry Potter character quiz

Which Harry Potter Character Are You Quiz?

Find out which Harry Potter character you're most like with this awesome 22 question quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated November 13th 2024
Rarest Answer
You're Harry!

The world of Harry Potter has loads of different characters, each with their own unique personalities. There's brave Harry, clever Hermione and loyal Ron. But which character are you most like? Find out by taking this personality quiz! Simply answer these 22 questions and we'll tell you which Harry Potter character you're similar to.

1/22 A dog who is clearly a professor of some sort

What's your favourite subject at school?

2/22 Baked beans

What's the best way to eat baked beans?

3/22 A painter holding a paint colour chart

What colour would you paint your bedroom if you were allowed?

4/22 A puppy with a magic wand

What's the best name for a dog?

5/22 An app showing the weather on a rainy day

What's your favourite type of weather?

6/22 A sleepy man at the dining table

What are you like when you wake up in the morning?

7/22 A pair of slippers

What is your attitude towards slippers?

8/22 Super Mario World

Which character do you choose when you play Super Mario World?

9/22 A flying Ford Anglia

Have you ever driven a flying car?

10/22 A grape which looks like Mike Wazowski

What's your favourite Monsters, Inc. character?

11/22 A snowy white owl

What's the first thing people notice about you?

12/22 A sparkly unicorn sweatshirt

What do you normally wear?

13/22 An owl watching footba

Who's your favourite football team?

14/22 A big smile

How would you describe your personality?

15/22 A woman doing a loud burp

Can you burp the alphabet?

16/22 Cat

You see a cat in the park. What do you do?

17/22 Money

You find £5 on the pavement. No-one is around, so what do you spend it on?

18/22 Relaxing

What do you do at the weekends?


What's your favourite type of music?


If you could give yourself a cool nickname, what would you pick?


How do you feel when you see the Whomping Willow?

22/22 Golden snitch

Who is the best Quidditch team?


You're Harry!

You're the boy who lived. The Quidditch team's star player. You're handy with an owl, too. Well done.


You're Hermione!

You're the most sensible out of Harry's friends and you do your homework on time, which is pretty cool. If you like that sort of thing.


You're Voldemort!

You prefer living in the shadows and Harry doesn't send you birthday cards. Which is fair enough, really.

Professor Quirrell

You're Professor Quirrell!

Well, that's a surprise, isn't it? You're a bit shifty and seem to be up to a large dose of mischief!

Quiz Writer: Beano Quiz Team!

The Beano Quiz team love writing quizzes, from Emoji Quizzes, Personality Quizzes, Trivia Quizzes to Animal Quizzes. If you love it, we’ve probably written a quiz on it!

When it comes to Harry Potter quizzes, if you’re a know-it-all, don’t sprout out the answer! Of all the Harry Potter characters, we pot-icularly love Harry, because he’s determined, brave and courageous. Who can choose just one favourite Harry Potter character though? We’d give Dobby our socks any day of the week, and we can’t get enough of Hermione and Ron either.

We wrote this Harry Potter quiz so you can test your knowledge and share it with your friends to see who knows the most about 'The Boy Who Lived'. You won’t always find our Harry Potter quizzes easy but, just like a Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures Class, they are always interesting, funny and sometimes unusual… you’ll Harry through them in no time!