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Emoji Quiz: Can You Name The Famous Historical Figure?

Sharpen your pencils and open your textbooks - we're heading to history class, emoji style!

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Beano Quiz Team โ€ข Updated August 19th 2024

Are you a history buff? If so then our emoji quiz will be a breeze! We've put ten of the most famous people of all time together, and all you need to do is use the emoji clues to identify them. Reckon you can do it? We know you can! And stay tuned for more emoji quizzes - see if you can identify the celebrity from the emojis, guess these famous composers, or test your emoji cartoon knowledge!


Can you guess who this is?


Can you name this US President?


Who is this famous historical beauty?


Who is this groundbreaking woman?


Who is this medical pioneer?


How about this legendary 20th century figure?


Who's this famous American?


Which tragic royal do these emojis represent?


Who is this filmmaker?


Can you identify this famous actress?

Oh no, not quite there yet! Don't worry, the quiz will be here when you want to have another go!

Not bad at all - you know a little history! We bet you can do better though - why not try again and see?

Wow, great job! You're a bit of a history buff for sure! You could probably get the top score, though - why not have one more go and see?

Wow, a perfect score! You're like the final boss of history! Are you actually a history teacher???