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Are These History Facts True or False? Quiz

We've got ten fun historical facts for you to suss out in this true or false history quiz! Can you guess which ones are real? Let's find out!

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Beano Quiz Team โ€ข Updated August 19th 2024

History is full of strange and amazing facts - but can you suss out which of these are true and which are false? It's time to find out for sure with this history quiz! Can you guess which ones are real and which ones we just totally made up? And if you liked this, check out more History here! We've got facts, jokes and quizzes, like this history emoji quiz! Or how about finding out all about the Tudors with these Anne Boleyn facts! You might even like these ancient Egypt facts!

1/10 Questionmark on swirling background

True or false: Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime?

2/10 A fancy woman eating a Beano Cupcake

True or flase: Marie Antoinette said 'Let them eat cake!'

3/10 Henry and his ladies

True or false: Henry VIII beheaded three of his wives?

4/10 A flying suacer over the pyramids

True or false: The pyramids were built by aliens

5/10 A Roman toilet with poop emojis

True or false: The Romans used to poo communally

6/10 Victorian woman outside church

True or false: George IV of Britain hated his wife so much he banned her from his coronation?

7/10 Tudor woman and Aztec temples

True or false: the Aztecs and the Tudors were around at the same time?

8/10 Old books and question marks

True or false: the oldest university in the world is in India?

9/10 Screaming pinapple looking through a telescope

True or false: the telescope was invented in China?

10/10 Bow, arrow and porcupine

True or false: the battle of Agincourt was fought by Henry II?

Bad luck! You didn't manage to get any of these historical facts correct, but don't despair! Unlike Henry VIII's wives, you get another chance!

Bad luck! You didn't manage to get any of these historical facts correct, but don't despair! Unlike Henry VIII's wives, you get another chance!

Hmm, not bad but not good enough to be a true history buff! Try again and see what you've learned!

Hmm, not bad but not good enough to be a true history buff! Try again and see what you've learned!

Nice work! We can tell you've been studying hard, because you got loads of questions right! Can you get 10/10 next time?

Nice work! We can tell you've been studying hard, because you got loads of questions right! Can you get 10/10 next time?

Brilliant! You really know your history from your fibs, because you got 10/10! Congrats!

Brilliant! You really know your history from your fibs, because you got 10/10! Congrats!

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