Ultimate Holes Trivia Quiz
Grab your shovel - you'll love digging into this Holes trivia quiz!
Holes turns 20 in 2023! It's one of Disney's most memorable live-action movies - full of adventure, mystery, lizards, beautiful scenery, a tragic love story, and lots of treasure! If Holes is one of your favourite movies, you'll ace this trivia quiz! And while you're here, why not check out some of our other Disney quizzes? Test your knowledge of The Mighty Ducks, find out which Pirates of the Caribbean character you are, or see how well you know Cool Runnings!

Holes is based on a book - true or false?

Which famous actor plays Stanley Yelnats IV?

What's the name of the camp Stanley is sent to?

What's Stanley's nickname in the camp?

What was Kissin' Kate Barlow's job before she became an outlaw?

What does Sam always say to Katherine?

Why does Louise Walker make the prisoners dig?

What's Zero's real name?

Why don't the lizards bite Stanley and Hector?

How long has it been since rain fell in Green Lake?

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Great job! You were clearly paying attention! Why not try again and see if you can get a perfect score?

Wow, PERFECT! You must be the biggest Holes fan in the world!