50 Hoppingly Brilliant Bunny Rabbit Puns
Check out this collection of hare-larious Easter Bunny jokes!
The Easter Bunny is much like Santa, but with added chocolate, if you think about it. Once year, the large-eared mammal will visit and leave behind delicious eggs in your garden or home. We're a big fan of this, so we've collected the best Easter-themed jokes in their honour.
Why is a broken tap like a startled Easter Bunny?
Because it runs very quickly and doesn't look like it'll stop!

How can you find the Easter Bunny on a map?
Eggs marks the spot!

What looks like half an Easter Bunny?
The other half!

Why is the Easter Bunny like a penny?
Because it has a head on one end and a tail on the other!

What does the Easter Bunny receive for making a basket?
Two points!

How does the Easter Bunny keep their fur tidy?
They use a hare brush!

What does the Easter Bunny use when they go fishing?
A hare net!

What do you call the Easter Bunny if he was a famous French general?
Napoleon Bunnyparte!

What do you call the Easter Bunny crossed with a Transformer?
Hop-timus Prime!

What do you call the Easter Bunny in a kilt?

How do you know when the Easter Bunny is angry?
They look hopping mad!

What do you sing to the Easter Bunny on their birthday?
Hoppy birthday to you!

How hard does the Easter Bunny work?
Around the cluck!

What do you get when you mix the Easter Bunny with Kermit the Frog?
A bunny ribbit!

How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
Hide in the long grass and make a noise like a carrot!

How does the Easter Bunny dry themselves after a bath?
With a hare dryer!

How does the Easter Bunny stay cool?
Hare conditioning!

Why can’t the Easter Bunny’s nose be 12 inches long?
Because then it would be a foot!

What did the Easter Bunny do when they wanted a snack?
Put the film on paws!

What bus does the Easter Bunny use?
National Eggs-press!

What happened when the Easter Bunny was naughty at school?
They were eggs-pelled!

What's the Easter Bunny's idea of a fun day out?
Singing kara-yolk-e!

Why did the Easter Bunny smile all the time?
They were feeling hoppy!

What do you call the Easter Bunny after they've won the lottery?
A million-hare!

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
It was the chicken's day off!

What do you get when you cross a rabbit with seafood?
The Oyster Bunny!

What do you call the Easter Bunny with fleas?
Bugs Bunny!

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
Because the chicken stole their chocolate eggs!

Why did the duck get fired by the Easter Bunny?
They kept quacking the eggs!

What kind of rabbit can't hop?
A chocolate one!

How does the Easter Bunny feel on Easter Monday?

Why did the Easter Bunny put a dictionary in their trouser pocket?
They wanted to be a smarty pants!

Why is the Easter Bunny so smart?
Because they're an egg head!

What do Easter Bunnies do after they're married?
Go on their bunnymoon!

Which sport does the Easter Bunny love the most?

What is the best way to send a card to the Easter Bunny?
By hare-mail!

What kind of jewellery does the Easter Bunny like to wear?
14 carrot gold!

How do you tell the age of the Easter Bunny?
You count the grey hares!

What kind of story did the Easter Bunny enjoy the most?
The ones with a hoppy ending!

How did the Easter bunny keep fit?

Why was the Easter Bunny in a bad mood?
They were a hot cross bun!

What's the Easter Bunny’s favourite kind of music?
Hip hop!

How does the Easter Bunny go on holiday?
On a hare-plane!

Why was the Easter Bunny miserable?
They had a bad hare day!

How does the Easter Bunny style its fur?
Using hare spray!

What did the Easter Bunny say to the tiny carrot?
It was nice gnawing you!

What happened to the rabbits who got married at Easter?
They lived hoppily ever after!

What do you the Easter Bunny holding a map?
An eggs-plorer!

How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
Regular eggs-ercise!

What’s invisible and smells of carrots and chocolate?
The Easter Bunny’s farts!

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