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How Sus Are You In Among Us?

Will you be found out?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  July 1st 2021

How Sus Are You In Among Us?

1/8 Woman with growing nose on grey background

How often do you lie?

2/8 Man with binoculars looking through blinds

How trustworthy do your friends think you are?

3/8 Dog with torn paper on blue background

What's the biggest lie you ever told?

4/8 Man and woman watching film

Do you always guess the twist in films?

5/8 Woman looking nervous on yellow background

Which of these would give you away?

6/8 Dog looking shifty

Are you easily scared?

7/8 Woman looking suspicious on blue background

Do you trust other people?

8/8 Man looking thoughtful on grey background

Pick a mystery film

100% sus result thumbnail
Among Us | InnerSloth

100% Sus!

Uh oh, there's no way you're not the imposter!

75% sus result thumbnail
Among Us | InnerSloth

75% Sus!

You're pretty sus, the others better watch out!

50% sus result thumbnail
Among Us | InnerSloth

50% Sus!

Hmm, hard to tell! It could go either way!

25% Sus Result Thumbnail
Among Us | InnerSloth

25% Sus!

You're hardly sus at all! But there's always a chance!