How To Make A Magnifying Glass
Hey, explorers! Here's how to make a magnifying glass out of a plastic bag and water!
If you're going to explore the mountains, you'll need to take a close look at what you discover on your high altitude treks. Don't have a fancy magnifying glass handy? Don't worry, you can make one using a clear bag and a cup of water. How? Here's how!

You will need:
- One clear, sealable sandwich bag – remember to remove any sandwiches as they'll get soggy
- A glass of water

Get a glass of water and carefully pour it into your bag until it's about half full. Try not to get the water everywhere!

Now take the two opposite sides of the bag and twist them together to create a seal. The bag should begin to take on the shape of a chunky rain drop and have no air inside. Maybe put a towel down, just in case. This is what explorers do in the wild, too, we imagine.

You now have a water-based magnifying which will help you examine everything more closely, like this blam Dennis the Menace fan club badge, or if you're really lucky, an ancient artefact! Who needs glass and biconvex lenses? Not us, eh?