How Well Do You Know The US Presidents Quiz?
How much do you know about the USA presidents? Can you tell your Rutherford B. Hayes from your Ronald Reagan? Take our ultimate presidential quiz and test your knowledge!
There have been 46 US presidents, but how much do you know about them? Take our presidents quiz and see what you know! And if you liked this, why not take our Royal Family quiz? Or how about our Ultimate US History Quiz?

Who was the first ever US president?

Who was President number 44?

Which party was Abraham Lincoln in?

Which president wasn't married?

Who was President twice (non-consecutively)?

Which presidents are carved into Mount Rushmore?

Who is the only president ever to have been impeached twice?

Who was president during WW2?

Which president inspired a soft toy?

Which of these presidents was a vice president first?

Which president only lasted one month before dying?

What year was the first ever US presidential election?

What was President Obama's dog called?

Which of these presidents also had a dad who was president?

How many female presidents have there been?

How many female vice presidents have there been?

Where does the president live?

What was installed in the White House when Harry Truman was there?

How many presidents have been assassinated?

What was John Adam's dog called?

Presidential perfection! You know everything about these guys and what they did! Nice one, patriot! Have an American eagle on us.

Well done! You're a big US history buff and it shows!

Hmm, you know a couple of the basics about the US presidents, but not enough to ace this quiz! Try again!

Oh no! Your unpatriotic result made this noble eagle cry! Have a hamburger, wipe away your tears with this stars and stripes flag, and have another go!