Can You Beat This Prom Pact Quiz?
Hope you've got your prom dress and corsage - it's time to test your knowledge of Disney's Prom Pact!
Disney's Prom Pact was a big hit in 2023 - and if you're a fan of the movie, you already know why! It's a classic high school romcom, with a fresh twist - and this trivia quiz will be truly test your knowledge! Can you get the prom queen crown - or will you be totally left out? Don't forget to try some of our other quizzes too - see how well you know Family Switch, or Haunted Mansion!

What is the name of the film's main character?

What is her lifelong dream?

What is Ben allergic to?

What theme is the upcoming prom?

What is the "Prom Pact"?

What subject does Mandy tutor Graham in?
7/10 What sport is Graham great at?

What is the name of Ben's love interest?

Mandy is school salutorian - what does that mean?

Where does Mandy end up going to college?

Oops - looks like you need to watch the movie again! Don't worry, you can always come back and give it another go when you're ready!

Nice try - you've definitely seen the film, and remembered some of it! We bet you can do better though - why not try again and see?

Good work - well done! You've probably seen the film at least twice, and loved it! But can you get a perfect score? Why not try again and see?

Wow, a perfect score! Well done! You might just the biggest Prom Pact fan in the whole world!