30 Funny Insect Jokes To Bug Your Friends With
We've got enough funny insect jokes to tickle the funny bones of even the eight-armed!
Once you've swotted (swatted!) up on our insect jokes, fill up on bee jokes or animal jokes.
And as always, there’s our jokes generator for all your joke needs!
What do bees eat for lunch?

What do you call an insect who can lay bricks?
A house fly!

What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind?
A maybe!

Where do woodlice go on holiday?
To the beech!

What does a wasp say when it is having an identity crisis?
Too bee or not too bee?

Who writes books for little bees?
Bee-trix Potter!

What do you call a bee who is having a bad hair day?
A frizz-bee!

How does a queen bee get around her throne?
She's throne!

What do bees chew?
Bumble gum!

What has two wheels and flies?
A wheelie bin!

Where do you take a sick hornet?
The waspital!

What do you call a musical insect?
A humbug!

Doctor, doctor! I keep seeing spinning insects!
Don't worry, there's a bug going around!

Where do wasps go on holiday?

What do you call a fly with no wings?
A walk!

How do bees get to school?
On the school buzz!

What happens if you eat caterpillars?
You get butterflies in your tummy!

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I'm a caterpillar!
Don't worry, you'll soon change!

What do butterflies sleep on?

Why did the bee get married?
He found his honey!

What can fly underwater?
A bee in a submarine!

Why did the bee hum?
It didn't know the words!

What insect is the most untidy?
The litterbug!

What insect runs away from everything?
A flea!

What insect is good at counting?
An account-ant!

Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use honeycombs!

What do spiders eat at McDonald's?
French flies!
Why do spiders use google?
To find websites!
What insects are always complaining?
Grumble bees!
What has fifty legs but can’t walk?
Half a centipede!