133 Weird Interesting & Unique Facts!
Check out these unique facts!
These weird facts will blow your mind! How many do you already know? Have a look, then why not check out our ultimate general knowledge quiz and test your random knowledge skills!
1. Sharks do not have any bones

A shark's skeletal structure is comprised of cartilage, which makes them part of the elasmobranch family of fish. They're basically made out of the stuff your ears are. Not so scary now, eh?
2. There's a family photo on the moon

An astronaut named Charlie Duke landed on the moon on April 20, 1972. To celebrate, he left a photo of his family on the rocky satellite and it's still there over 50 years later.
3. A starfish's body is just a big head

Scientists at the University of Southampton have revealed that the five equal parts of a starfish body is actually a head. Thurston Lacalli, who works in the Biology Department of University of Victoria in British Columbia, added it's more like “a disembodied head walking about the sea floor on its lips".
4. Porcupines always float

These creatures are covered in quills. These quills have little pockets of air which help them bob around in the water, much like a spiky pool toy.
5. Hippos can't swim

This is true! While they're relatives of the whale – another amazing fact – these animals actually can't swim, or even float! They spend their days walking along the bottom of rivers and lakes, and never go out of their depth. Maybe someone should invent swimming lessons for the Hippopotamidae crew!
6. Snails' tongues are covered in teeth

Snails have something called a radula, which is a tongue like organ covered in tiny little spines. These spines act a bit like teeth and break the snails food down into manageable chunks. Sounds adorable!
7. Washington Cathedral has a gargoyle which looks like Darth Vader

The Washington National Cathedral in the District of Columbia has tipped its hat to the Sith Lord on the upper reaches of its structure and can be seen with binoculars. This 'limestone grotesque' was made by sculptor Jay Hall Carpenter and carved by Patrick J. Plunkett. The design was part of a children's drawing competition, where Christopher Rader came third place with his rendering of the Star Wars villain.
8. China has one time zone

While China is about the same size as the USA – which has several time zones – there is only one official time in China – Beijing Time. It technically covers five time zones, but everyone in China doesn't have to work out what time it is from one side of the country to the next.
9. Underwater rugby is an actual sport

The wet version of normal rugby was first played in Germany in 1961. There are 12 players on each team, but only 6 can be on the 'pitch' at any time, each trying to get the heavy ball into a goal (a bucket). 'UWR' is said to be an exhausting game.
10. The first telephone directory issued in 1878 contained 50 names

We're guessing the telephone directory was just a list of people's numbers printed on a single piece of paper in those days.
11. The Statue of Liberty was a lighthouse

The Statue of Liberty was not originally intended to be used as a lighthouse, but it was for brief period, In 1886, when it was first unveiled, the torch held by the statue housed an electric light and helped ships sail into the river more safely.
12. Dogs dream

Like humans, dogs have different sleep cycles, including periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when dreaming usually occurs. During REM sleep, dogs may twitch, move their paws, or even bark softly, which suggests they are experiencing dreams related to their day. Or maybe doing exams they've not revised for.
13. The humble lettuce is part of the sunflower family

Lettuce and sunflowers are linked through their shared family, Asteraceae, which is one of the largest families of flowers.
14. New York City have their very own ants

In 2012, a previously undiscovered ant was found by biologists in Manhattan, New York City. After being unable to match it to one of the 13,000 types of strong bugs, it was nicknamed ManhattAnt. Very clever.
15. Ostriches brains are smaller than their eye

An ostrich is the biggest bird in the world, and it has the largest eyes in the whole animal kingdom – that's right, its eyes are bigger than its brain. But its brain isn't that big! An ostrich's eyes are about 5 centimetres in diameter, which is around the size of a ping pong ball. That's why you don't normally see the birds trying to win The Chase.
16. Astronauts grow taller in outer space

It's true. Astronauts can grow taller in space due to the absence of gravity compressing their spine and can be a few centimetres taller. This is only temporary though and will return to their original size when back on earth!
17. Buzz Lightyear was originally called Lunar Larry

The intergalactic Toy Story hero was originally named Lunar Larry according to Pixar producers, but it was binned for sounding "too wacky". They chose Buzz after Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon. Could have been Neil Lightyear, if you think about it.
18. In 2024, over a billion chicken wings were eaten during the Super Bowl

According to the National Chicken Council, 1.45 billion (yes, billion) were chomped, gnawed, chewed and enjoyed during the Kansas City Chiefs' narrow victory over the San Francisco 49ers. That's a lot of chicken.
19. Daniel Radcliffe was allergic to his Harry Potter glasses

During the filming of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone – or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone if you're in the USA – Daniel Radcliffe discovered he was allergic to the glasses he was wearing to complete his boy wizard look. The frames contained nickel which irritated his skin, so another pair was found that didn't contain the metal.
20. Sombrero just means 'hat' in Spanish

The word is usually associated with wide-brimmed hats, but in Spain, it can just mean any hat. So now you know!
21. King Charles technically owns any pigeon poo in the UK

When it was discovered that pigeon poo can help make fertiliser and gunpowder, King George I announced that all pigeon business was the property of the Crown. He even employed guards to protect areas where the birds, well, made a mess.
22. An armadillo shell can deflect a bullet

One person in Texas discovered that an armadillo's osteoderms – their bony armour plating – can be bulletproof and made a round of ammunition just bounce off, like a tiny superhero.
23. Crows can hold a grudge against a human

While studying crows, zoologist John Marzluff and his team of researchers discovered that they can recognise human faces... especially those who've annoyed them in some way. Magpies can also recognise people who've upset them – and changing your clothes won't trick the feisty jewelry enthusiasts!
24. Queen Elizabeth II would use her handbag to tell staff things in code

As part of her duties, the late Queen Elizabeth II made many public appearances and would greet people at special events. Talking to lots of people takes time and can be exhausting, so the monarch had a code for her assistants to quietly (and very politely) tell them a conversation needed to end – this was done by moving her handbag from one arm to the other. If the Queen placed her bag on the ground, that meant she wanted to leave immediately!
25. Good luck trying to catch a train in Iceland – there's no track

Iceland does not have a public railway system. It does, however, have a very good bus service.
27. The letter Q is not featured in any of the 50 states!

Not a single one. It's a simple fact!
28. Sonic the Hedgehog's name is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog

That's Mr. Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog, to you! Sonic is much easier to remember, though.
29. The shape of Pringles is called a hyperbolic paraboloid

Most snacks have an irregular shape, which is down to the shape of the potato they're from. Or, thanks to technology, they can be the shape of shells, monster claws or teddy bears. Pringles, however, have a very scientific name – hyperbolic paraboloids – which can be expressed as the equation z=Ax2+By2. Something to distract you from having too many hyperbolic paraboloids, we reckon.
30. A quarter of an adult bones are in the feet

A human foot is made up of 26 bones and over a hundred muscles and whatnot to make them flex, carry our weight efficiently and take us to school, a bowling alley or even to the shops.
31. A tarantula can go without food for 2 years

It's amazing but true – some types of tarantulas can go for months without so much as a snack as long as they drink water.
32. A dentist invented candy floss

We all know this treat is pretty bad for your teeth, but a dentist named William Morrison invented 'fairy floss' in 1897 with a confectioner called John Wharton and eventually sold 68,000 boxes of the stuff at St. Louis World’s Fair a few years later. He probably gained lots of patients in the years that followed. Do remember to floss and brush at least twice a day!
33. Volkswagen make more sausages than cars

The German car manufacturer makes its own sausages and are on sale to employees at their plant in Wolfsburg. They produced over 7 million currywurst in 2019 alone!
34. The Battle of Hastings wasn't in Hastings

Battle is almost seven miles away from Hastings. It's said that William the Conquerer set up his base in the seaside town before moving his armies north-west to the East Sussex town.
35. Flamingos aren't actually pink

They're actually white! Their pink colouring comes from their food - the microscopic algae that the shrimp they eat feed on! If they don't get enough of these algae, they lose their colouring!
36. Scotland has over 400 words for snow

The Historical Thesaurus of Scots is an online resource and researchers discovered Scotland has 421 words for the magical wintery stuff, including flindrikin, snaw-pouther and blin-drift. England, it seems, uses about 420 less words for the icy precipitation.
37. Sliced bread was invented three years after television

Sliced bread was first sold in 1928 and it was declared the "best thing" by everyone. But Scottish boffin John Logie Baird revealed an amazing invention which showed moving images on a contraption called a 'television'. Never heard of it, personally.
38. Over their lifetime, most people spend about a year sitting on the loo

That's a lot of time to spend in the bathroom, really. But these things must be done.
39. Apple pie was invented in England

America loves – and we really mean loves – apple pie and the way they go on about it, you'd think that they invented it. But the first recorded mention of this pastry-topped apple treat was by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1381. "Tak gode Applys and gode Spycis and Figys and reyfons and Perys and wan they are wel ybrayed co-lourd wyth Safron wel and do yt in a cofyn and do yt forth to bake wel," he wrote.
40. The longest English word without using a vowel is rhythm

Not only that, it's notoriously difficult to spell correctly at the first attempt.
41. Tigers have striped skin

A tiger's skin will still be striped if you shave away the fur. Leopards are the same way with their spots. So if you shaved a tiger, it would still be a) stripey and b) annoyed.
42. A smart anagram of Albert Einstein is 'ten elite brains'

There are many anagrams you can make from this legendary scientist's name. You could also say 'able tennis tier' or 'an bite listener', but that wouldn't make sense in any way.
43. Bats aren't blind at all

There are over 1000 types of bat and scientists say they simply have a different kind of eyesight to humans, and prefer to use echolocation to help them navigate through the dark. Whoever came up with the phrase 'blind as a bat' was clearly joking around.
44. Every day, everyone farts enough to fill a balloon

Humans can do bottom burps up to around 40 times a day and that's enough gas to inflate a party balloon. You wouldn't want to be around one when it bursts, though.
45. Mosquitos seem to love the colour blue

It's not a question of taste, but mosquitos don't have great vision, but instead have photoreceptors which can help understand their environment. The colour blue is apparently favoured by these blood-thirsty pests!
46. A fear of strawberries is called 'fragariaphobia'

This summery fruit is the cause of terror for a small number of people. The term is derived from fragraria – the strawberry's family, if you want – and phobia, which means fear.
47. There are over 600 types of oranges

And here's another fun fact – around 20% of oranges are eaten fresh, while the rest are used to make things like juice and marmalade.
48. A lemon will float, but a lime will sink

Why's that? Well, limes are more dense than lemons, so that's why they tend to sink in water.
49. Avocados are fruit

Avocados are classified as a type of berry: they grow on trees and contain a large seed inside.
50. A golf ball has 366 dimples

Golf balls have dimples to help improve the ball's aerodynamics. Without them, they would have more air resistance and not travel as far down the fairway.
51. Ketchup travels at 25 miles per year

Heinz scientists have calculated that ketchup flows out of a glass bottle at 0.028 miles per hour. It does, of course, reach speeds of 30 miles per hour when taken home in a car from the supermarket.
52. Comets stink!

While we'll never get the opportunity to get up close to have a good whiff of a comet, scientists say that they contain ammonia (smells of wee), sulphur dioxide (smells of struck matches), hydrogen cyanide (smells of almonds) and hydrogen sulphide (and rotten eggs). We're glad they're in space, actually. Sounds like they pong!
53. Lightning hits the earth 8 million times a day

A bolt of lightning is a few times hotter than the sun and generally lasts 30 microseconds. It has been revealed that Maracaibo in Venezuela experiences more lightning more than anywhere else on earth.
54. There’s a planet made out of diamonds

Scientists say that a planet called 55 Cancri e – described as a 'super-Earth' – which was discovered in 2004, is made up of just over 30% pure diamonds. So fancy.
55. A war in 1896 lasted for less than an hour

The Anglo-Zanzibar War took place on 27 August 1896 and lasted around 38 to 45 minutes. This the shortest ever war in recorded history!
56. A bat is the only mammal which can fly

Bats can reach speeds of 60 miles an hour, which is faster than a lot of birds. The Brazilian free-tailed bat can reach speeds of around 100 miles per hour!
57. Hawaiian pizza isn't from Hawaii

Putting delicious pineapple on pizza wasn't first done in Hawaii. In fact, Hawaiian pizza was actually invented in Canada, by a Greek immigrant! And pizza itself is obviously Italian - so whilst it's a very international food, it's hardly Hawaiian. Sorry, Hawaiians! Some people believe that pineapple shouldn't be anywhere near a pizza but they are wrong.
58. Dalmatians are born spot-free

Dalmatian puppies have white coats when they're born, but develop spots in about a week. Their markings are unique too, meaning no two Dalmatians look alike! As far as we know, there are no animated films about such breeds of dog.
59. The giant squid has the biggest eyes on earth

Both giant and colossal squid have the biggest eyes in the animal kingdom - up to 25cm across, so about the size of a frisbee! The reason they have such big eyes is to help them see in the pitch black of the deep, deep ocean. Imagine the size of their glasses, should they require them. Huge.
60. A jiffy is 10 milliseconds

It's a very short amount of time, so the next time someone says they'll be there in a jiffy... they're probably telling a fib. Unless they're Usain Bolt.
61. The Olympic flag's five colours can be found on every flag

Not only do the five colours appear in some form on flags of the each country, they represent the five continents who take part in the games: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America.
62. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out

This isn't not due to a sense of politeness. A crocodile tongue is actually held in place, which means this reptile can never stick its tongue out. This is a safety feature so it remains safe when it closes its jaws quickly on its prey.
63. Golf is the only sport that's been played on the moon

In 1971, NASA astronaut Alan Shepard took a few moments out his lunar mission to indulge in a quick game of golf. He hit two balls and they didn't go very far. Not because of his technique, but because of science. Plus it must have been difficult to swing the club in a space suit. No other moon sport has been document, unless you count bouncing up and down really slowly.
64. A car journey into space would take about 60 minutes

While cars even have trouble getting onto a kerb to allow a bin lorry past, this is all based on scientific calculations. If a car could drive vertically into space using a vehicle capable of traveling through different atmospheric layers and reaching space, it would take around the same time to watch an episode of Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway.
65. Ice lollies were invented by accident

Let's all say a big thank you to Frank Epperson, an American who invented them by accident in 1905. He left a mixture of powdered soda, water, and a small stick outside on a cold night, and it froze. The next morning, the frozen treat we now know as the ice lolly or 'popsicle' (if you're in the USA) was invented and hot summer days would never be the same again!
66. Venus spins clockwise

Venus spins on its axis in the opposite direction to most other planets in our solar system – there's always one – which means it spins clockwise when viewed from above its North Pole. Scientists and other people really into planets call this "retrograde" rotation.
67. The Philippines is made up of over 7000 islands

The Philippines is an 'archipelago' made up of of over 7,000 islands. The Philippine government officially recognises around 7,641 islands during low tide and 7,107 islands during high tide!
68. Queen Elizabeth II trained to be a mechanic

This completely true! The late Queen Elizabeth II learned how how to fix cars as a teenager during the second World War. She could have earned a fortune repairing dodgy motors, but instead became the Queen several years later.
69. A hashtag is called an octothorpe

The hashtag symbol is actually called an octothorp, due to its eight points and probably someone called Thorpe who coined the phrase. #hashtagfact
70. Peanuts aren't nuts

Peanuts actually belong to the legume family, along with beans and lentils. Unlike true nuts, which grow on trees, peanuts grow underground and the seeds of a plant called Arachis hypogaea. Whoever named them peanuts were clearly having a laugh.
71. Clouds are heavier than you might think

Clouds vary in size and shape, obviously. But, and there is a but, scientists have done their calculations and say that a cumulus cloud, which is a typical fluffy white cloud, can weigh just over 1 million pounds. Larger clouds like cumulonimbus clouds – think thunderstorms – can potentially weigh much more!
72. NASA can send tools to astronauts via email

NASA have solved the riddle over how to get vital tools and parts to astronauts in space without relying on the postal service. They can instead email documents to the astronauts who can then use an onboard 3D printer to print out what they need!
73. A person in Sussex holds the record for eating peas with chopsticks

Janet Harris of Sussex holds the world record for eating the most amount of peas with chopsticks. She managed to have 7175 peas in a minute!
74. There's a name for the fear of long words

It's hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Pretty long and quite scary if you experience hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
75. The Easter Island heads also have bodies under the ground

A team of archaeologists studying the South Pacific island monoliths discovered that centuries of landslides gradually buried the statues in mud. After digging, they found that they're attached to bodies and legs!
76. Earth is around 4.54 billion years old

That's extremely old. We're just glad we don't have to light that many candles because there isn't a cake big enough. Sorry, Earth!
77. Scotland's national animal is a unicorn

The unicorn is Scotland's national animal! That means it appears on hearldry, coats of arms and other official stuff. Apparently it was chosen because it was believed to be the natural enemy of a lion - which is England's national symbol! You may even have heard the rhyme about it 'The Lion and the Unicorn', which is said to represent Scotland and England's battles! Another fact: the unicorn is a mythical beast.
78. You can’t fold a piece of A4 paper more than eight times

We've tried and it's absolutely impossible.
79. Giraffes don't sleep very much

Giraffe sleep for only about 30 minutes TOTAL each day! They do most of this through short naps, and don't need much shut eye at all! Could you stay awake for 23 hours? Either way, this fact is necks level!
80. You can make a cup of tea in a British army tank

What can we say? British people love a cup of tea (see fact 124) even in dangerous situations!
81. Rubber bands last longer when they've been in the fridge

When rubber bands dry out, they 'rot' and tend to snap more easily. Keeping them cool prolongs the life of an elastic band, but it's important not to ping them right after taking them from the fridge.
82. Shrimp comes from a German word

The word 'shrimp' comes from a 14th century Middle Low German word schrempen, which means 'to wrinkle'. They are quite wrinkly, to be fair.
83. Almonds are part of the peach family

Almonds are the seeds of the almond tree, and are classified in the Prunus genus. This makes them relatives of peaches and other members of the Rosaceae family.
84. Dolphins have two stomachs

Dolphins have one stomach, which is used to store food. The other stomach is used to digest food. Who knew? You do now!
85. A toothpaste blob is called a 'nurdle'

Nobody is quite sure where the word 'nurdle' originated. A fact as useless as the word. What we can tell you is that outside of the toothpaste world, a nurdle is a small pellet used to make plastic items.
86. Only dogs can hear a certain part of a classic Beatles song
At the end of A Day in the Life – taken from their 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band – there's a frequency which will catch your pet's attention.

87. A blue whale's tongue is as heavy as an elephant

Just the blue whale's tongue on its own can weigh as much as an elephant! Blue whales can grow to a whopping 33 metres in length! That's around the length of two school buses, so the length and weight of their tongue makes perfect sense.
88. There are only four English words which end in "dous"

What a tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous fact! Perhaps. Maybe not. But it is interesting!
89. That smell you get in a new car is made up of 200 chemicals

It's a combination of all the adhesives and chemicals used to create the luxury interior of the vehicle. Sadly, that fresh new smell fades over time. Then it's just farts and strong-smelling crisps during long car journeys.
90. A cat sleeps around 15 hours a day

While cats in the wild need long periods of rest in between time spent hunting for food, household cats love to nap just as much – even though their meals are literally given to them on a plate. And who doesn't love a nap? Cats are smart.
91. Los Angeles' full name is pretty long

You could say El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula if you wanted. But Los Angeles will save you lots of time.
92. A wombat's poo is shaped like a cube

The shape of wombat poo is thought to be due to the drying process in the intestines combined with the contraction of the muscles while they do their cubic poo. It stops it from rolling away from the wombat's living area and becomes a way of marking their territory.
93. Canada LOVES macaroni and cheese

Per person, Canada eats more macaroni and cheese more than any country on earth. They've eaten the stuff for centuries and called it macaroni pudding. Some people reckon it's because it's easy to make and makes you feel good when the weather is extremely cold.
94. Your brain makes your nose disappear

While your nose is visible – obviously – it appears to be invisible in your field of vision due to a phenomenon called 'perceptual constancy'. That means, your brain filters it out to focus on more relevant stuff.
95. Pigs can look up – but only slightly

Pigs have relatively flexible necks, allowing them to tilt their heads upward to some degree. However, due to their anatomy, they may have difficulty looking directly upwards compared to animals with more mobile neck structures, like birds. It makes us sad that a pig can't truly appreciate the beauty of a clear, starry night.
96. Rabbits are unable to vomit

Rabbits have a unique digestive system that makes it physically impossible for them to be sick. If they have digestive issues, they're more likely to do a runny poo.
97. Football teams who dress in red play better than their opponents

Following a 60-year study of statistics, researchers have discovered teams who play in red kits win more than any other colour. They put this down to the colour giving a sense of confidence as well as putting fear in the heart of their opponents.
98. There are 4 billion Lego mini-figures on Earth

Over 4 billion Lego figures have been manufactured since 1978. That's around half the world's population!
99. The Sahara Desert used to be a tropical rainforest

The Sahara has gome through a lot of changes! Around 8,000 years ago, the Sahara was a lush, tropical rainforest, as it had been over many points in its history. It slowly starting drying out when weather patterns changed, which goes to show how dramatic changes in the climate can be. And it snows in the Sahara very occasionally too!
100. You can't taste food without saliva

Saliva plays an important role in the process of tasting food because it helps dissolve food particles and carries them to taste receptors on the tongue.
101. There are 6 countries which don't have an airport

If you're planning to go to Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City or Nauru, it's best to check with a travel agent on the best way to get there as they do not have airports!
102. Ketchup was once used as a type of medicine

While ketchup is a delicious way to liven up your dinner, the earliest versions of this condiment were a little differeny; they were more like a sauce or paste made from ingredients such as mushrooms, fish, or walnuts, often mixed with vinegar and spices. One such example is a type of ketchup made from fermented fish brine, which originated in Southeast Asia. This fish sauce, known as kecap or kicap, was believed to have medicinal properties and was used to treat digestive problems and diarrhoea.
103. Some people have a fear of vegetables

Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables. People with lachanophobia may experience anxiety, panic attacks, or other distressing symptoms when exposed to vegetables or even the thought of them. If you do experience this, avoid looking at the happy broccoli and move on to the next fact which is about the moon.
104. Australia is wider than the moon

Australia's diameter is approximately 2485 miles, while the diameter of the Moon is 2,159.1 miles!
105. You're not allowed to own a single guinea pig in Switzerland

In Switzerland, owning a single guinea pig is illegal as these sociable animals get lonely. If you must have one as a pet, you have to own two so they have someone to chat to and play with. Seems fair to us!
106. A pencil can draw a line 35 miles long

A pencil contains graphite and can draw a line 35 miles long, which is roughly 45,000 words. Very handy. If any of the kids in Bash Street School's 2B class did their work, they'd notice their pencils would get smaller too.
107. Cucumbers can stop stinky breath

If you think your breath might be a bit whiffy, put a slice of cucumber between your tongue and the roof of your mouth, then keep it there for a minute. The cucumber will tackle the bacteria that causes mouth stink!
108. If you tickle a rat, they'll laugh

Even though you can't hear it, scientists have discovered rats laugh when you tickle them. These are similar to sounds they make during play!
109. There are 100 pleats on a chef's hat

The number of pleats on these hats reflects the level of experience or rank of the chef. A chef's hat may have 100 pleats, which symbolises the many different ways they can prepare eggs: boiled, scrambled, poached, fried and er, the other 96 ways.
110. M&Ms are named after the people who created them

They were made by Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie! They could have called them F&Bs but M&Ms seems right.
111. You can't lick your own elbow

It's almost impossible! Go on, try! But don't get yourself in knots.
112. Crickets have their ears in their knees!

Yup, crickets have their ears in their knees! They're not quite like our ears, but they help the cricket find out where a sound is coming from. Cool!
113. It's impossible to hum while you hold your nose

You can try this one too! This is because the humming noise usually goes through your nose, but when your block off the airway, there's nowhere for the sound to go.
114. You have more bones when you're born than you do now

When babies are born, they have 300 bones, but a grown adult only has 206! This is because as you grow, some of your smaller bones fuse together
115. Mickey Mouse was originally called Mortimer Mouse

When Walt Disney invented Mickey in the 1920s, he originally called him 'Mortimer'. His wife didn't think this was very catchy, so she suggested Mickey, and the name stuck!
116. The blue whale is the largest animal that's ever lived

That's right, the blue whale, which can grow to nearly 30m long, is bigger than any other animal, EVER. Bigger than every dinosaur! That's really big!
117. Some people have a phobia of bananas

Yup, it's called bananaphobia and although it's pretty rare, it does exist. Other strange phobias include a fear of buttons, a fear of hats and a fear of otters!
118. There are more tigers in captivity than in the wild

In the USA alone there are more tigers in zoos and private parks (about 5,000) than in the wild combined (Only about 3,000). But don't worry, lots of groups are fighting to save wild tigers!
119. People laughed before learning to speak

Researchers have revealed that laughter existed before language, around 10-16 million years ago. If they couldn't speak, what were they laughing at? Maybe someone falling over a rock.
120. There's a song called 4'33 which is completely silent

This completely silent composition was written and, er, performed by the American experimental musician John Cage in 1952. Anyone can play this song with whatever instrument they want, but it's worth remembering that there are three parts to the piece. No, we're not making it up.
121. The inventor of the Fender guitar didn't play guitar

Leo Fender, the legendary inventor of the Stratocaster, didn't play guitar! He played the saxophone and a little piano, but he famously didn't play the instrument which changed music forever!
122. An astronaut recorded an album in space

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield recorded a cover version of David Bowie's Space Oddity while at the International Space Station in 2013. During a 144 day stay in space, he recorded a full album of songs called Space Sessions: Songs from a Tin Can, using a laptop. It was released in 2015.
123. Your brain burns calories

The brain requires energy to function properly. Even when you're at rest, your brain is constantly working to regulate bodily functions, process information, and carry out various tasks, like reading 123 facts in a row!
124. Britain gets through about 100 million cups of tea a day

It seems no-one likes a good cuppa more than people in Britain. We've done the maths and our annual consumption is approximately 36 billion cups! That's a lot of tea bags and a fair amount of milk, too!
125. The fastest goal was scored in less than 3 seconds

The fastest goal ever scored was by Gavin Stokes during a 2017 match between Maryhill and Clydebank. He opened Maryhill's three-goal account in just 2.1 seconds!
126. Bananas are radioactive

Bananas are high in potassium - but this also means that bananas are naturally very slightly radioactive! Don't panic, though, because the amount is very safe. In fact, you'd need to eat about 10 million bananas in quite a short time to be harmed by radiation poisoning.
127. Californium is more expensive than gold

While it'll cost you a lot to buy a real gold necklace, the most expensive element is actually californium. It's used in several industries, and it can cost a staggering $2.7 billion per gram! Better start saving that pocket money for the next few years!
128. Giraffe's horns are named ossicones

These are little horns made out of cartilage, and both male and female giraffes have them, as well as other similar animals like okapis. Sometimes when the males fight, they will butt each other with these little horns. Aw.
129. Owls don't have eyeballs

Owls have tube-shaped eyes that are fixed in their sockets, meaning they cannot move their eyes from side to side like we can. Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees in either direction to compensate for their inability to move their eyes.
130. In Ancient Egypt, a cat was called a 'meow'

Cats were regarded as symbols of fertility and protection in ancient Egyptian culture, and it's thought they named due to the sound they made when they wanted some food – even after they'd been fed. Classic cat behaviour!
131. NASA's internet connection is faster than Billy Whizz
It's 91 gigabits a second, making it roughly 13,000 times quicker than the average household's internet connection. Imagine all the streaming you could do!

132. The United Kingdom invented stamps

The world's first sticky postage stamp, the Penny Black, was made available in the United Kingdom in May, 1840. They created by Sir Rowland Hill and changed the postal system forever!
133. Shakespeare invented words which we still use today

Shakespeare is credited with created many words and phrases in the English language. Some of the words he is believed to have invented include hurry, bedazzled and gloomy.