Irish History Trivia Quiz
How much do you know about the history of the Emerald Isle?

Let's start off easy! For about the last 1500 years, what's been the main religion in Ireland?

The Ancient Irish were part of a group of European peoples called...what?

The Romans never even tried to conquer Ireland. True or false?

Which country ruled Ireland for hundreds of years since about 1169?

@Hallmark | giphy
In 1916 there was a big revolt against British rule in Ireland. What was it called?

Bram Stoker is a famous Irish author - but which famous book did he write?

Who was Grace O' Malley?

Which of these is NOT a famous Irish person from history?

Which year did Ireland become a republic?

Which of these is NOT an Irish invention?

What years did the Irish Potato Famine happen?

What does 'Dublin' mean?

The Romans called Ireland 'Hibernia', but what does it mean?

What was legendary Irish hero Finn McCool famous for?

What year did the Irish Civil War start?

Amazing! You know all about Irish history!

Well done! You know lots about Ireland!

Hmm, looks like you know a couple of things about Irish history, but you could do better! Try again!

Uh oh, looks like you need to brush up on your Irish history! Have another go!