The 12 Question It's a Wonderful Life Quiz!
How well do you know this Christmas classic? There's only one way to find out... answer these quiz questions!
Looking for more Christmas movie trivia quizzes! We've got you covered! Click here to try out our epic Elf quiz, this grumpy Grinch quiz, or for something a bit different - find out which Christmas animal is most like you!

According to George, what topping do explorers put on their ice cream?

What is George and Mary’s song?

@bbc | giphy
What does Sam Wainwright make?

It's a Wonderful Life | Liberty Films (II) | RKO | Frank Capra
Which character loses $8,000?

What does A-S-2 stand for?

How does Clarence like his mulled wine?

The story of It's A Wonderful Life was based on a greetings card. True or false?

@cbbc | giphy
What sound means that an angel has earned their wings?

Which character is an angel?

Bert is a florist. True or false?

It's a Wonderful Life | Liberty Films (II) | RKO | Frank Capra
When was the movie made?

It's a Wonderful Life | Liberty Films (II) | RKO | Frank Capra
Who's this?

EEEP! Not your favourite Christmas movie then? Never mind - plenty more quizzes where that one came from!

Could be worse - but could be better! Try a different Christmas movie quiz?

Nicely done! You definitely know a thing or two about It's A Wonderful Life! Can you beat this score on another quiz?

Nailed it! You must've seen this film at least 5 times! Great work!