Are You The Jungle Book Original Version or the Remake?
Are you a classic, or a fresh modern story? Take the quiz and find out!
What's your favourite classic Disney movie? The Jungle Book is one of the best - it might have the most iconic soundtrack of them all! If you loved the original, you'll also love the remake - but which one suits you better? Take this fun personality quiz to find out which film is more you!
Need more Disney? We can help! Find out if you're the classic Beauty and the Beast or the remake, see how well you know Maleficent, or see which Hunchback of Notre Dame character would be your bestie!

Pick an exotic fruit!

What's your favourite jungle animal?

Which Disney villain is your fave?

Which magic power do you wish you had?

What does your average weeknight look like?

Pick an ice cream flavour

What's your favourite thing to do in the summer holidays?

Pick a drink!

What's your favourite cartoon?

Pick a fictional wizard!

You're the original! A well-loved classic that everyone likes - what's not to love? You're probably an old soul who loves classic Disney movies!

You're the remake! You're totally modern, and you love to put a fresh twist on old things. You're probably super creative and fun to be around!