20 Ladder Jokes That Will Elevate Your Day!
You'll be climbing the walls laughing at these silly step-based jokes!
Where would we be without ladders? A lot lower down, that's for sure! Join us for twenty laughable ladder jokes and puns about our favourite telescopic climbing devices. We promise they won't let you down - we'd never lead you 'rung' here!
Are appliance-based jokes your (strangely specific) thing? Then we've got you covered! We've got door jokes, carpet jokes, fan jokes, and bed jokes, all for your amusement!
My ladder was stolen the other night…
Steps were taken!

What do you call it when a ladder is replaced with stairs?
Climb-it change!

I spent the morning putting grease on the ladder to my loft…
Sorry, it’s an anti-climb attic story!

What do you call it if you accidentally hit someone with a ladder?
Co-ladder-al damage!

I’ll never forget my grandad’s last words…
“Are you still holding the ladder?”

I fell off a 40ft ladder once…
Luckily I was on the bottom rung!

I just got a job as a ladder inspector…
I’m enjoying it, but it has its ups and downs!

I knew a woman who got a ladder in her tights…
She was a great shoplifter!

I heard an urban legend about a bed on top of another bed, connected by a ladder…
Luckily I was able to debunk it!

Why should you never trust a ladder?
They’re always up to something!

What did the “how to use your ladder” manual say?
“Step one: step two: step three: step four…”

I phoned the ladder company, but no one answered…
It just rung and rung and rung!

Why did the girl bring a ladder to class?
She went to high school!

How many safety inspectors does it take to change a lightbulb?
Four: one to change it and three to hold the ladder!

Why shouldn’t you climb a ladder near Rick Astley?
Because he is never gonna let you down!

How do pumpkins get up on the roof?
With a jack-o’-ladder!

Why did the musician need a ladder?
To reach the high notes!

How do you interview a giraffe?
Well first of all, you’ll need a very tall ladder!

Why couldn’t the snowman climb the ladder?
Because snow falls!

What did the son yell at his stepladder?
"You're not my real ladder!"

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