Try This Legendary Leah Williamson Quiz!
Find out how much you know about this amazingly talented Lioness with this epic English football squad trivia quiz!
The England Women's footy squad are an amazing team, who have made history in the Euros and inspired a whole new generation of football fans! Their success is all down to working as a team, and every single one of them is really good at football. Like, really good. But Leah Williamson stands out, even amongst this team of legends!
So test your knowledge of Leah by answering these tricky footy questions!

What position does Leah Williamson play?

Whereabouts is she from in the UK?

Leah is the teams... what?

What's her favourite foot?

When she's not representing England, what team does she play for?

Leah led the Lionesses to beat Germany in the 2022 World Cup. What was the final score?

Where did she play her first major international match for England?

Why won't Leah be part of the England squad in the 2023 World Cup?

In 2014, what award did she get?

How many times has she played for Arsenal?

Yeeeesh! This is not your best work! Leah doesn't look too happy about this score.... so you should probably have another go and see if you can score a bit higher next time! Of not we've got a lot more footy quizzes for you to try out!

Nice work! You're clearly a fan of Leah, and you've got the trivia skills to prove it! This is a good score, but you did miss out on a few right answers. Do you know where youwent wrong? Have another go and see if you can score a little higher next time!

Wahoo! Well done! This is an amazing score! You really know loads about Leah and English football! This is a near perfect score... but you din't quite get 100%! Too bad... fancy trying a different footy quiz and seeing if you can beat this score on that one?

Wahoo! Unbelievabel scenes! You absolutely smashed this quiz - full marks! You couldn't have done any better than this on this quiz... well done! Now, do you reckon you can match this perfect score on another football quiz? Let's find out!