What Lightsaber Colour Are You?
What colour of Star Wars space sword suits you the most? Answer these simple questions and we'll tell you!

Which side do you root for while watching Star Wars movies?

Which character do you admire the most?

How would you settle a potential intergalactic war?

What makes you jump out of bed in the morning?

What qualities do you think are important for a Star Wars character?

How do you greet your friends these days?

You're playing holochess with Chewbacca. What's your gameplan?

What kind of beach do you prefer?

How would you friends describe you?

What's the best Star Wars film?

This is the colour favoured by the likes of Luke Skywalker, who used their Jedi powers to great effect with some exciting duels!

Yoda – a peaceful Jedi – used a green lightsaber, which tells you all you need to know...

The Sith focused all their negative emotions and energy into the kyber crystals, which are used to make lightsabers. It turns out these will make your lightsaber glow a dark red!

Now we're getting into Mandalorian territory! Did you know that the first Mandalorian was called Tarre Vizsla? She created this colour lightsaber. It looks awesome, doesn't it? Hard to see in the dark though.