How Much Do You Know About Lilo & Stitch?
Test your trivia with these Lilo & Stitch questions!
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Where does Lilo live?

What is Nani's job?

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
What is Stitch's experiment number?

What do Lilo and Nani think Stitch is when they meet him?

What does 'Ohana' mean?

What's the name of the social worker investigating Lilo and Nani?

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
Who is Mertle?

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
What year did the film come out?

Why does Nani get fired?

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
What a happens at the end?

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
Awesome! You're a huge Lilo & Stitch expert!

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
Well done! You know loads about Lilo & Stitch!

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
Hmm, not bad but you can definitely do better! Try again!

Lilo & Stich | Walt Disney | Clark Spencer | Chris Sanders Dean DeBlois
Oh no! You don't know anything about Lilo & Stitch! Are you an alien from another planet, or do you just need to go and watch this awesome film again?