Can You Ace This Adorable Lucas The Spider Quiz?
He's the cutest spider on YouTube - but how much do you really know about Lucas? This trivia quiz will let you know if you're a real fan!
Who would have thought a spider could be cute? But that's just what Lucas is! He's got his own shows on YouTube and Cartoon Network, where we see his awesome adventures with his adorable friends! If you're a big fan of Lucas the Spider, this is the quiz for you! See if you can get top marks - we believe in you! If you want more eight-legged fun, learn some awesome spider facts - or if you're not feeling very spidery, how about some insect facts?

What kind of creature is Lucas?

What kind of spider is he?

When did Lucas make his debut?

What kind of insect is Lucas' best friend Findley?

What is the name of Lucas' chameleon friend?

What kind of dog is Avocado?

What does Lucas say when he touches things?

True or false - the creator Joshua Slice's nephew voices Lucas?

Lucas has four eyes, but how many eyes do real jumping spiders have?

Why is Lucas unusual for a spider?

Oops - you're not in Lucas' web! Don't worry, you can have another go!

Good job - you know your spiders! Why not try again, though - we bet you can get a perfect score!

A REALLY good score - you're amazing! Why not try again, though, and see if you can get the perfect score?

PERFECT - you're the king of Lucas trivia!! Well done!