Only Book Worms Will Ace this Marcus Sedgwick Quiz!
How well do you know the bestselling author?
Marcus Sedgwick was a bestselling children's author, best known for his books Floodland and My Swordhand is Singing, as well as the series Raven Mysteries and Elf Girl and Raven Boy. He wrote a lot about magic, friendship and adventure, and won a lot of awards for his writing. Unfortunately Marcus passed away this year. He leaves behind a legacy of amazing writing - if you've never read anything by him, ask at your local library! If you're a fan, see how you do in this book quiz. Don't forget to check out some more book-related fun - find out what you should read next, or laugh your head off with our library jokes!

What's the name of his 2000 debut novel?

What's the main character's name?

What's the first book in the Elf Girl and Raven Boy series called?

What's Raven Boy's special power?

What's the name of the strange family in the Raven Mysteries?

And what's the name of the raven in the title?

Marcus wrote a picture book retelling of a famous Hans Christian Anderson story - which one?

What fantasy creatures are featured in My Swordhand is Singing?

What country is Blood Red, Snow White set in?

Marcus wrote a Doctor Who story called The Spear of Destiny. Which Doctor starred in it?

Oh no! Maybe re-read your face Marcus Sedgwick books and give it another go!

Pretty good! You're clearly a bit of a fan. Maybe re-read your face Marcus Sedgwick books and see if you can bring your score up!

Great, you know your stuff! Maybe re-read your face Marcus Sedgwick books and give it another go!

Wow, you're the expert! Well done! You're probably Marcus Sedgwick's biggest fan!