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Max Woosey’s Camping Tips!

Beano-fan Max has been all over the news for his epic year-long camping adventure. We got in touch with the King of Camping himself to find out his top 10 camping tips!

Beano Team
Last Updated:  June 13th 2022

Whenever you’re planning a camping tip, it’s always important to plan properly. That way, you can keep safe and have fun. So who better to ask for tips than Max Woosey – the Boy in The Tent who spent over a year camping in his back garden! We asked Max to give us his best tips for a back garden camping trip to remember!

1. Always wrap up warm

It gets chilly in the middle of the night!

It's gets real cold out there at night!

2. Always hide a snack!

I like to hide mine in my sleeping bag so mum can’t find it.

Some hiding places for snacks

3. Careful where you put your tent.

I once put mine on an ants nest and they tried to eat me for their tea! Make sure it’s nice and flat and dry.

A happy ant

4. Make sure you have fun

Ditch your parents and invite a friend over.

@gifbay | giphy

5. I like to take my dog Digby in with me to snuggle up to

A cute dog a bit like Max's Digby

6. Whatever you do, don’t forget your teddy.

I usually have about 6.

A selection of teddies

7. Make sure you peg your tent down properly

Pull the ropes nice and tight. You don’t want it to fall down in the middle of the night.

Horse gives you some useful advice

8. Make sure you have a comfy roll mat and pillow.

Cuddling a pillow
@snl | giphy

9. You will need a torch.

A head torch makes it easier.

A miner wearing a head torch

10. Don’t forget your Beano!

Max with his favourite comic
Max reading the Beano!