Can You Get 100% in this Big Millie Bright Quiz?
How well do you know England defender Millie Bright and her mad skills? Let's find out with this ultimate Millie Bright quiz! Can you get 100%?
How much do you know about England defender Millie Bright? Millie's been making waves with her incredible tackles and mad skills, and it's time to find out if your a Millie super fan with this ten question trivia quiz! Answer some questions about Millie's life and career and see how well you do! And we've got loads more sports quizzes right here! How about this basketball quiz all about the London Lions? Or maybe you'd like to know which football team you should support? You might even be in the mood for this FIFA icon quiz!

Where is Millie from?

When is her birthday?

What position does Millie Bright play?

Which team does Millie Bright play for when not playing for England?

Which academy did Millie Bright join when she was 16?

Which other sport did Millie Bright participate in when she was younger?

True or false: Millie Bright was in the winning England team in 2022's Euros?

What did she win in 2016?

How many sisters does Millie Bright have?

Which team was Millie Bright's professional debut?

No goal! You didn't manage to get any questions about Millie right, but don't despair! You can always have another go!

We know you can do better than that! Try again and see what you've already learned about Millie and her career!

Nice work! You clearly love everything football! But can you get 10/10 next time?

Score! You got 100% right on this Millie Bright quiz! Congrats! Millie would be proud!