ULTIMATE Muppets From Space Trivia Quiz!
Is this sci-fi outing your favourite Muppet movie? See if you can get a perfect score in this terrific trivia quiz!
Muppets from Space is one of the lesser-known Muppet films, but that doesn't make it any less fun! See how well you know the film with this trivia quiz - are you the ultimate Muppet master, or are you totally green? Try some of our other Muppet quizzes, too - see how well you know Muppet Treasure Island, or Muppet Christmas Carol!

True or false - the film is a musical!

Why is Gonzo upset at the start of the film?

How do the aliens communicate with him?

What is the TV show that Gonzo crashes called?

How do the Muppets usually start their day, according to Gonzo?

What is C.O.V.N.E.T. disguised as?

What does Singer want to do to Gonzo?

Who rescues Gonzo?

What song do Gonzo's family play when they arrive?

What does Gonzo choose at the end of the film?

Oh no - looks like you're a bit green when it comes to the Muppets from Space! Don't worry, you can always take the quiz again - it's a great excuse to rewatch the film!

Not bad at all - you know your Muppets, even when they're in space! We bet you can do better though - why not try again and see?

Very good! You're a Muppet fan, and Muppets from Space is probably up there with your faves! Well done! But can you get a perfect score? Why not try once more and see?

A perfect score - well done! You're the Muppets from Space expert!