Get Off Your High Horse And Try This My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Quiz!
Why the long face? This mythically-good My Little Pony quiz is the best in Equestria! Giddy up!
Who doesn't love My Little Pony? Nobody! Well, there might be some grumpy guts somewhere - but the less we say about them the better! This quiz is absolutely packed for of great MLP questions - and it's up to you to see if you can get them all right! Now, quit stalling - can you get full marks and be the centaur of attention? Geddit!

Where do the ponies live in Friendship is Magic?

What colour eyes does Applejack have? Click to reveal!

Which of these things can Pegasi do?

Who lives in Canterlot?

What's Pinkie Pie's full name?

Who is the element of Kindness?

Princess Celestia is a... what?

Earth Ponies are often... what?

What pet does Fluttershy have?

What does cutie pox do?

Eeeep! Oh nooo! This result is not the best we've seen! Twilight Sparkle is very unimpressed. Have another go and see if you can do better? Go on - do it for the ponies! And don't forget we have plenty more TV quizzes where this one came from!

Pretty good! Definitely not a terrible score. Twilight Sparkle isn't too impressed though - they clearly have high standards! Do you feel like having another go and seeing how well yu score next time? If not, there are plenty more quizzes where this one came from!

Nicely done This is a great score! You know loads about My Little Pony! Ranbow Dash is very pleased with this score. You almost got 100%! Do you know where you went wrong? Maybe try a different quiz and see if you can get full marks on that one instead!

Amazing! You really know those ponies! Very well done! You couldn't have done better if you tried! Rainbow Dash here is very impressed, and so they should be! Now - can you get full marks on a different My Little Pony quiz?