Ultimate NBA Jersey Trivia
Think you know the NBA inside out? Test yourself with this tricky b-ball quiz!

What number jersey is Stephen Curry?

What colour is the Boston Celtics jersey?

@joelembiid | instagram
What team has this jersey?

@jharden13 | instagram
James Harden from the Houston Rockets has what number jersey?

@dloading | instagram

@dloading | instagram
What team does this jersey belong to?

@giannis_an34 | Instagram
What number jersey is Giannis Antetokounmpo from the Bulls?

The Toronto Raptors' jersey is green - the same colour as a their team mascot, Velma the Velociraptor. True or false?

@cobywhite | instagram
Who has this jersey for the Chicago Bulls?

The Memphis Grizzles have a bright turquoise jersey. True or false?

@antdavis23 | instagram
Who is number 23 for the New Orleans Pelicans?

Eep! More on an NFL kind of person then?

Pretty good! Now see if you can beat this score on another quiz!

Good job! You're an NBA expert!

Amazing! High score - just look how impressed this jersey is!