The Ultimate Norse Mythology Trivia Quiz!
Test your Norse trivia by taking this Thor-tastic quiz!

In Norse mythology, what was the name of the world where the gods lived?

What is Fenrir?

What is the name of the squirrel who lives in the world tree called Yggdrasil?

Odin was the god of war. What was the name of his son, who was the god of thunder?

Two goats were in charge of pulling Thor's chariot. Can you name them?

Who was the goddess of the Viking underworld?

Odin had two ravens who would tell him what was happening on Earth. What were they called?

Friday is named after the goddess of love and beauty – but what was her actual name?

Sticking with the days of the week theme, which day of the week was named in honour of Odin?

What's the name of the dark underworld ruled by Hel?

A rainbow bridge connects Earth and Asgard. What is its Norse name?

Where do the souls of Norse warriors go?

Oh no! Sad viking is sad!

Good try! Why not have another go?

Great work! You're a Norse expert!

Odin's beard! That was a perfect score!